2015 Audiobook Challenge: Q1 Update

Posted March 28, 2015 by Julie S. in Challenges / 14 Comments


The only challenge (other than our Shelf Love challenge of course) that I signed up for in 2015 is the Audiobook challenge. I didn’t end up doing an introductory post and instead linked up my GR shelf. But I still wanted to participate in the quarterly updates, so here we go.

I’m kind of going back and forth between the following two levels. I know I can get “My Precious”, which is also what I signed up for last year. But I might make it to Marathoner, so I’ll leave that option open.

  • My Precious (I had my earbuds surgically implanted) 30-50
  • Marathoner (Look Ma no hands) 50+

Currently, as of the end of Q1, I have read 12 audio books and am currently in one more.

I have embedded my GR shelf below for funsies.



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Posted March 28, 2015 by Julie S. in Challenges / 14 Comments


14 responses to “2015 Audiobook Challenge: Q1 Update

  1. Someone’s on a Charley Davidson kick πŸ˜‰ I’ve only read book 1 and really enjoyed it on audio. Looks like I need to continue! Good job, I bet you make it to marathoner!

    • Julie

      Yes well, as it turns out I’m addicted to Charley’s sassy attitude πŸ™‚ The books are also available under my grandfathered audiobooks.com subscription so that helps πŸ™‚

    • Julie

      Not too tough since listening while driving is so much more pleasant than just driving heh.

    • Julie

      My book club absolutely loved the book, and many did the audio. I personally struggled with it and found it a bit dull at times, but I was reading it at the end of my maternity leave and my attention span was zero.