Chat Between Chapters: Did the movie prompt you to read the book?

Posted March 29, 2015 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 33 Comments


 Have you ever read a book simply because you saw the movie? Or maybe heard about the movie and wanted to read the book first? What about TV shows?

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

I usually decide to see a movie based on a book because I already read and enjoyed the book, but sometimes I’ve done the reverse. I saw the movie Water for Elephants first, and enjoyed it so much that I got and read the book. I suppose this can apply to Harry Potter too.  I finally read the books in 2012, after all the movies were out. I don’t think I started reading the Sookie Stackhouse novels until after I started watching True Blood.

Rose review avatar Rose:

….This is how I stumbled upon the Twilight books and the Fifty Shades Trilogy. I saw Twilight the movie first and that prompted me to read the books. I saw the very first trailer for Fifty Shades and that prompted me to read the book. Both books I thought I would not like, but I read them all straight through, simply devouring each book.  Seeing the previews for the Longest Ride is making me want to read the book, but I have not done so yet. Will? well, seeing as how the movie is due out soon and I do not already own the book, probably not. I plan to see the movie, though.


I watch a lot of movies. Sometimes without even knowing they were based on books first. And the good movies have always led me to read the book afterwards. The first one that comes to mind is Possession by A.S. Byatt. I simply loved this movie. And the book even more. Other movies that I read first include Twilight (yes, I know, I was late to that party), Atonement (LOVED both the movie and the book), Inkheart (how do you not love a movie/book about books that come to life), and Austenland (because every girl into Austen dreams of actually living in Austen’s world). I love watching Austenland so much, I’m sharing this with you.


I watched North & South last weekend last weekend on Netflix. I’ve just added it to my to read list. As I haven’t read it, I can’t really (yet) recommend the book. But the mini series? I definitely recommend that. 

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Posted March 29, 2015 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 33 Comments


33 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Did the movie prompt you to read the book?

  1. I’m actually not much of a movie watcher, mostly because I so rarely get 2 hours to myself all at once! The only movies I really go out of my way to watch are ones based on books I loved. I rarely watch a movie before reading the book. Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday!
    Tina at Mommynificent recently posted…Booknificent Thursday Link Up Party #92

    • Julie

      Yea I know what you mean – getting time to yourself is not a thing these days heh. I also have been very picky about which movies I’ll take the time to go watch, and they have to be something I’m very excited about, or they can wait for red box or HBO someday heh.

    • Julie

      Ha that’s interesting that a book you normally wouldn’t read now got your attention 🙂

  2. I have read a book because of hearing a movie based on the book was being released. And I always try to read the book first. However, I didn’t know True Blood was based on the Sookie Stackhouse series prior to seeing the first few. I did read the first 3 or 4 in the series but haven’t finished it. Nor have I finished watching the True Blood series.

    Wasn’t Atonement wonderful, Lynn? Did you like the book or movie better? I liked the book. 🙂 So you loved Austenland the movie…did you read the book as well? I’ve read the book but haven’t seen the movie.
    Bookworm Brandee recently posted…Tuesday Teaser ~ #63

    • Lynn

      Atonement WAS wonderful, Brandee. I watched the movie first, so I’d probably go with liking that better. Plus James McAvoy!
      I liked the Austanland movie better, too. They changed up some of the character traits in the movie that I thought worked better. You should check it out. I think I watched it five times the first week I noticed it.

    • Julie

      The TV show went downhill, so it is probably best that you didn’t finish it. I stopped reading about halfway through the series. Maybe I’ll pick back up someday.

  3. Honestly I try not to see the movie before reading the book just because in my past experiences, if I see the movie first, it’ll ruin the book for me. There have been some instances where I watched a movie without even knowing it was derived a book. Like Lemonade Mouth for example, but I ended up DNFing the book after I tried to read because I liked the movie.
    Emz Chang recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday – Lies I Told by Michelle Zink

    • Lynn

      True, Emz. Watching the movie does spoil the book. But it’s the movies that I didn’t know were books first that I find intriguing.

    • Julie

      Sometimes reading because you already know what happens is an interesting experience too, but yea I can see how the movie and knowledge of everything that happens can ruin you for wanting to read or being able to enjoy the book.

  4. Movies do prompt me to read books, but because I want to see them and wont let myself until I’ve read the book. I learned a long time ago that if I see a movie first, I wont enjoy the book. Its spoiled for me and I just can’t get through it. Its weird, because I can reread after seeing the movie, but I guess I need to discover it for the first time in the book. Fun question!
    Berls recently posted…Pinching Pennies | March 2015 Book Budget

    • Lynn

      Thanks, Berls. And yes, that totally makes sense to want to read the book first.

    • Julie

      Ooh how interesting that you won’t enjoy the book after. If I didn’t allow myself to see every movie adaptation until I’ve read the book first, I’d probably see so few movies, LOL.

  5. I almost always try to read the book first, and as a consequence there are some movies that it will take me forever to actually go see. Divergent & The Book Thief both come to mind. Both books have been on my TBR (Divergent has been there ever since it first came out; I just haven’t prioritized it … ever).

    Usually I’ll already have the book on my TBR or have read it by the time there’s talk about a movie, but occassionally I’m surprised — about 80% of the time if I wasn’t already familiar with the book, I see the movie first and THEN realize that I should have read the book 🙁 Unfortunately, in those cases I rarely ever make it back around to reading the book…
    Liza Barrett recently posted…Wrap-Up: Take Control of Your TBR March 2015 #TakeControlTBR

    • Lynn

      Very true, Liza. Once I already know the story from the movie, chances are I’ll never get around to the book. It takes a very impressive movie to lead me to care enough to read the book.

    • Julie

      I’m with you, I don’t usually make my way to read the book after I’ve seen a movie, unless I just absolutely loved it and want to be back in that world again.

  6. Most of the time, I try to read the book first. I did not read the Maze Runner series until the weekend it came out. Ha. But there have been some exceptions. For the longest time, I loved The Princess Bride but had never read the book. I recently read it and loved it. I do still need to read Gone with the Wind. Maybe one exception is Nicholas Sparks. I just do not like his writing and can’t really get into his books. But for some reason, I love the movies.
    Cynthia recently posted…Musing Mondays – Would You Rather?

    • Lynn

      Hmm, I’ve never read the Princess Bride, Cynthia. But good to know the book is excellent. That’s one of my favorite movies. And I think Rose and I both agree with you on the Nicholas Sparks movies vs books.

    • Julie

      I watched GWTW first before reading, so I pictured all the characters while reading that giant book (twice). Also, hearing the actors’ voices heh.

  7. Nope, nothing comes to mind at all. I love movies, but I usually get to watch them after reading the book (or there is no book for me to read, lol). Of course, I’m sure there are PLENTY of movies that I’ve seen without knowing there’s also a book out there… I don’t normally check. (NOTE to SELF: Start doing that.) A very clever post 🙂
    Ramona recently posted…Zen Monday: Rain

    • Lynn

      Good point, Ramona. All of us could start checking the source material of books more frequently!

    • Julie

      I’m often surprised by learning some movies were based on books. So yea, I definitely know what you mean.

  8. Ah!!! North and South!!! Isn’t that just a wonderful miniseries? It’s one of my ultimate favorites!!! I bought the book too but I have yet to read it. I really need to get on that! I heard the book is amazing as well! Here’s hoping!
    Amanda P. recently posted…2015 Audiobook Challenge Update

    • Lynn

      I’m hoping, too, Amanda. And yes, the miniseries was amazing. I’m ready to rewatch it, and it’s only been a few weeks since I watched it originally.