#Shelflove: Avoiding Relapse

Posted April 1, 2015 by Julie S. in Challenges, Featured Posts, Shelf Love 2015 / 26 Comments


No Book Buying Challenge 2015 – April Update

As you know, we are co-hosting the Show Your Shelves Some Love: A No Book Buying Challenge. You can also review the details of the post on theNo Book Buying Challenge page from the menu above.  For April we are talking about avoiding relapse. How are you sticking to your book buying budget and refraining from full-on bookaholic relapse??

Julie Review AvatarJulie:  Honestly I just haven’t had time to read *or* shop lately. Full time working mom means no time for personal hobbies. So I just haven’t even had any book buying urges since my current TBR piles are sad enough heh.

I have embedded my Goodreads shelf so that I can share the books I read as I go.


Lynnpic avatar Lynn: I have definitely relapsed this month. My ratio of books read (1 on my challenge list) to books acquired (15) is abysmal. I am reading books. But most are from the library, and for book clubs. I did snag 15 free books this past month, though. One was a free download and 14 were from our book club friend Mary. She was getting rid of a bunch of books before moving. I just can’t say no to the free books. I clearly need to focus on reading the books I have. Though, I do have a bunch of books on hold from the library. I am struggling with the shiny new releases that are published, week after week. 

 Rose review avatar Rose: okay, like Lynn, I relapsed and I blame our friend, Mary! It is all HER fault since she gave us both so many amazing books. I have not counted the books that I received since I believe ignorance is bliss. I have not purchased new books… all books I  have acquired have been free to me. However, if the goal is to read the books I already owned, I think I am failing. Sad face.

Are you participating in this challenge? Link up your March update posts below:

  After linking up, don’t forget to grab your entry in the Rafflecopter for the giveaway. a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Posted April 1, 2015 by Julie S. in Challenges, Featured Posts, Shelf Love 2015 / 26 Comments


26 responses to “#Shelflove: Avoiding Relapse

    • Julie

      I agree, freebies don’t count since we’re not “buying” them. But, the second part of the challenge is to read what we own, and if we’re not reading them… we’re still not doing well heh.

  1. LOL I *did* say that free books weren’t going to count against me in this challenge…I’ll have to tally up my free books to include in my post. I have purchased a few books recently – 3, I think and I’ve read 2 of them…yay, me! – but I’d say I’m feeling the pull of one-click addiction more right now for some reason. Um, maybe because I’m an addict?!? 😉
    Bookworm Brandee recently posted…Tuesday Teaser ~ #63

    • Lynn

      The one click addiction for me is bad, too, Brandee. I just bought a new ereader. And I need new books for it! Good think I have tons already purchased to download.

    • Julie

      The one click addiction is dangerous! But yea, I don’t count all the freebies I’ve one-clicked. Oops.

    • Julie

      Yea I don’t count the free books either, technically since the challenge applies to books I own (since before 2015) the newly purchased freebies just don’t exist… lol

  2. No book buying? Gulp! Then I’m doing really really bad. I think I cleared off about 15 or 16 last month but acquired three times that many in the same month. I’ll never get to the bottom of my to be read pile at this rate. I’m in bad shape here.

    Shannon @ The Tale Temptress

  3. I’ve been doing good, if the goal is to not spend money on new books (I haven’t spent a penny since January). Now if the goal is to acquire no new books, yeah, I suck. Freebies, gift cards, what am I to do? I still feel like I’m doing much better though, by just not spending money on books. Its a start!

    • Lynn

      So true, Berls, so true. At least we haven’t spent any money. And you can’t really say no to free books!

    • Julie

      Yea I haven’t spent any money either but I do acquire quite a few freebies, though my daily deal freebie one clicking has gone down heh.