Every Thursday we are hosting a meme called: That’s what HE said Thursday. For more info on what this meme is all about click here.
Julie’s Quote:
“You’re the reason I breathe”
–Reyes to Charley
(Second Grave on the Left by: Darynda Jones)
I mean, that’s kind of an awesome thing to say to someone. But also, it is just the beginning of Charley and Reyes.
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I would melt if someone said that to me.
Jennifer Bielman @ Bad Bird Reads recently posted…Excerpt & Giveaway: Escorting the Billionaire by Leigh James (Book Blitz)
Yes this is an awesome and amazing sweet thing to say! Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Short, sweet and elegant. Melikes! 🙂
Ramona recently posted…Book Marketing Mistakes
He knows just what to say 🙂
The pressure! I’d both be flattered and nervous if someone says that to me. So sweet though
Braine recently posted…Naughty Nooners: Starry Eyed by Alexia Russel & Enticed by @JABelfield #shorties
Ha, you’re right, that kind of is a lot of pressure. Not to mention that he was created just because of her so the quote is quite literal.
Yes! Simple yet so powerful. Sometimes less is truly more. ~ Bel
Yes 🙂 Also, I’m limited to what Goodreads has available for quotes since I did these on audio.