Let’s chat about our bookshelves again, shall we?

Posted May 15, 2015 by Julie S. in Memes / 16 Comments

The Bookshelf Linkup


The lovely Sunny from A Splash of Ink is hosting this Bookshelf Link Up and we decided to participate. Even though we’ve talked about our bookshelves here before, some things have changed (like moving, getting a new co-blogger) so this is a great time to revisit our lovelies.
Here is the Bookshelf Link Up prompt:
1. If you can, share a picture of your bookshelves (piles of books, boxes of books, anywhere you store your books) or describe the set-up you have.
2. How do you sort your books? Author, genre, not at all?
3. Do you have any special trinkets or decorations on your shelves, or are they purely business?
4. What genre dominates your bookshelf? Or what genres make up your bookshelf?
5. Are there any books on your shelf that you’re particularly proud of?
6. What is the ratio between read books and TBR books on your shelf?
7. What is the most recent addition to your bookshelf?
8. Describe your dream bookshelf setup.

Julie Review Avatar Julie:



This is my library in my new house. Yes, I have a home library, and it is awesome. Too bad I spend so little time there. Seriously, my cat spends more time in my library than I do. But that’s not the point of this post.

I have organized my lovely library by genre, then alphabetically by author’s name. Kind of like a library or bookstore would. I have two shelves dedicated to Mystery, half a shelf for Contemporary and the second half of that shelf for Classics, two shelves for Adult Paranormal/Sci-Fi/etc, and two shelves for YA. My series are together and any variations in the height of the books has stopped bothering me over time.

I do have trinkets and fun silly things all around the shelves. I have fans, some porcelain figurines, some creature-y things, pretty handmade metal bookmarks, etc. I also have some picture frames and some clutter that may not quite belong in that room such as some baby stuff, oops. I also have a small desk in the room so there’s computer stuff in random places, and of course since my library doubles as my cat’s room (to keep the dogs from stealing treats out of the litter box), there’s kitty stuff all around.

I don’t know if there are specific books that I’m particularly proud of, but I’m very happy with all the signed copies I have on my shelves.

As for the ratio of TBR to read… no comment. Seriously, I don’t want to talk about it. I’ve collected way more books than I’ve actually read. As for what book is the newest, well I’ve not bought any books this year! So, the next book to grace these shelves will be Rachel Vincent’s newest, that has been pre-ordered for me as a prize in a giveaway.

I think it would be awesome to have floor to ceiling bookshelves in this room. OOh and a secret passage to that bathroom door. That would be awesomesause!



Lynnpic Lynn:

I’m going to be honest here. I moved almost three years ago, and still hadn’t unpacked my books. Until this week that is. Yeah to Sunny for motivating me to finally unpack my books. Maybe next, I’ll even start decorating! Before I moved, I donated the majority of my books to the local public library. (When you are paying by the pound, your mother makes you get rid of all your books to save money.) I’m down to 6 shelves of books. And 1 case that is full of cook books/magazines. I forgot to take before pictures. So here’s the in between pictures of the unpacking.

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And. Here’s the finished, unpacked shelves. (I din’t say they were organized; just unpacked!)

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The extent of organization so far is all the books by an author together. And kind of by genre on the shelf. At least by similar genre. And all the big books in one place. I’m still thinking about how I want to organize everything. I do have one shelf for TBR books. (It’s on the case on the left, in the middle.) The books there are just shoved in wherever. I even found an entire box of TBR books while I was unpacking my books. I’m hoping that looking at the books on my shelf will motivate me for our Shelf Love Challenge.

When I pared down my books pre-move, I decided to only keep books my authors that I really enjoy everything they write. I have a lot of fantasy (Karen Marie Moning, Jacqueline Carey, Robert Asprin) and adventure (Clive Cussler, Matthew Reilly, Jack DuBrul). Most of the YA books were purchased after I moved. I’d have to say that these are the three categories that dominate my books. Now, my TBR shelf has everything. Graphic novels by Neil Gaiman (I’ll read those Sandman books eventually), YA, Mystery, Science Fiction, Romance. Some of them I’ve started. Some of them I really do want to read.

I do have loads of trinkets and things on my shelves. That’s what was there before I moved the books. I had to condense the trinkets to fit in the books. I have a plate I drew when I was 8. My marshmallow air gun. Tons of shells I’ve collected from various beaches. I think it’s the little touches like these that make my shelves mine.

My dream library, though? I think belongs in my dream house. All the walls are built in book cases. Full of books. With one of those ladders that is attached and rolls around the room. There is plenty of natural light. And If we are dreaming, I would like the beach outside. Or maybe mountains. I clearly need to start playing the lottery!

We haven’t really discussed “virtual” book shelves. What about those? Do you organize those shelves? I don’t really organize those. I tried separating out the books I have downloaded vs the books I own, but that doesn’t seem to be working out. Maybe I need shelves by genre? What is everyone else doing with their virtual shelves?






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Posted May 15, 2015 by Julie S. in Memes / 16 Comments


16 responses to “Let’s chat about our bookshelves again, shall we?

  1. […] 2. Start packing early. If you know well in advance that you are moving, you can slowly start to pack up things that you are not using on a regular basis. The first thing I packed when we moved last time were all my books (and I have a lot of them). […]

    • Julie

      Has it grown or did I finally share a good clean picture of the whole thing unpacked? Hehe.

  2. I have a lot of books that I haven’t read on my shelves too, and it would seem that my ratio is about 90 percent unread, but in all fairness that is because I pass on books that I have read pretty regularly. Unless I have a quote, or I have book love to the moon and back, I get rid of them, including signed copies.
    Suzi Q, The Book Dame recently posted…Review: Vital Sign by J.L. Mac

    • Julie

      Oh well that’s a good reason to have mostly unread books. I have a hard time parting with books, especially signed ones.

  3. My dream library? The one that the Beast has in his castle in Beauty & the Beast. 🙂

    I’ve got 2 bookshelves (1 5-shelf and 1 3-shelf) that have books and trinkets. The 5-shelf is out in the living room/dining room and holds most of my movie/tv show connected books.

    Terri M., the Director
    Second Run Reviews

  4. Thanks so much for participating in my link-up! It’s awesome that you both could show off your shelves!

    I’m in love with your shelves! They’re so uniformed and numerous! They all just look so lovely and organized. Even with the non-book stuff, they look great (and let’s be honest, who doesn’t have non-book related stuff on their shelves?). Also, YOU HAVE A LIBRARY!!! I’m so jealous! I hope your cat appreciate’s what it has, haha.

    I had the same problem with trinkets. I love decorations, but the more books I acquired, the more I had to squish my trinkets together or get rid of them altogether. Organizing and sorting a bookshelf is a daunting task, so I totally understand why you hadn’t unpacked. I’m glad that this link-up motivated you, though!
    Sunny Smith recently posted…Jane and Sunny On: The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black

  5. If by virtual shelves you mean Goodreads, then I keep my mine extremely simple. There’s the usual ones – to-read, currently-reading, and read – but I have owned, audiobooks, did-not-finish, arcs, reviewed-on-blog, to-be-reviewed, the never updated read-at-school, giveaways, and mini-reviews.

    I can’t imagine myself doing it by genre. What if I FORGET what genre it is and put a paranormal in fantasy or vice versa? What if it’s adult but I forgot and put it in young adult?

    I think I’m more of the type who sorts shelves by type – paperback, hardback, etc. Maybe I’ll color coded and make it blend well together and look pretty. :p
    Sophia @ Bookwyrming Thoughts recently posted…Blog Tour: Life Unaware by Cole Gibsen – ARC Review + Giveaway

    • Lynn

      I love the idea of color coding your library, Sophia. That would be very cool!

  6. I love this post! My dream library is holding up the sky and there are open elevators that take you up to the shelves 🙂 My actual books are piled everywhere around the house and my bookshelves are completely filled, each shelf containing about 4 horizontal piles of some 8 books each, and each bookshelf has 4 tiers. Space has always been a problem…
    Ramona recently posted…YA Summer Books 2015

    • Lynn

      Lol, Ramona. Your dream book shelves sound great! And that’s a lot of books!