Armchair BEA 2015 – Day 1 – Introductions #ArmchairBEA

Posted May 27, 2015 by Julie S. in ArmchairBEA / 9 Comments

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We’re so excited to participate in Armchair BEA again this year!


Julie Review Avatar   Julie’s Introduction

Tell us a bit about yourself: How long have you been blogging? Where are you from? How did you get into blogging? Hi! I’m Julie from the Houston, Texas area. I’ve been blogging for over a decade on my personal blog and 2 years here on Chapter Break. You can thank Rose for that second part, and I can’t remember how I got started blogging in general, but it was something I got into in college.

Why do you loving reading and blogging? Reading is a fun hobby where you can travel to distant lands and even time periods from the comfort of your couch or recliner. Blogging (about books) is just one awesome way of shouting to the world about your hobbies, and meeting other people who love books as much as you do.

Share your favorite blog post on your blog. (aka written by you!) My one favorite post? Wow um… I think my post on why I would rate a book 2 stars is a favorite because as I’ve become more picky in my reading,  it takes a lot more to wow me and it is easier than ever to turn me off of a book.

What is your favorite genre and why? I’m going to go broad with this and say Sci-Fi/Fantasy – and specifically anything paranormal, urban fantasy, dystopian, YA, etc. I love a good world building and exciting plot and this genre and subgenres lend themselves to that very well. Then it is up to the author to take me on an amazing journey.

What book are you reading right now? I’m finishing up the Bloodlines series with The Ruby Circle – love me some Sydney and Adrian. Mostly Adrian.

Take a picture of your bookshelf and share it with us! 🙂 (#ABEAShelfie)
Well, if you insist, I’ll show it again 😉

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Rose review avatar   Rose’s Introduction

Why do you loving reading and blogging? I love reading for the escape it provides. Nothing else beats it. Reading can take you anywhere. Books can become friends. Reading can evoke such real emotions and experiences that can teach us so much about ourselves. Books are all about learning,- learning about others, yourself and so much more. I enjoy blogging for the sense of community it provides for a relatively solo activity.

What is your theme song? Matchbox Twenty’s Unwell.

What book are you reading right now? I am currently reading Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell.

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what author would you want to bring with you? Why?I would probably choose Diana Gabaldon because she always writes such resourceful characters in her novels. She has researched extensively on herbs and plants and their medicinal as well as nutritional purposes. However, I bet I would probably not get along with Diana after a while. She seems like such a brave, independent woman, that she sometimes comes off as a bit of a know it all and my big mouth would more that likely offend her. Who am I kidding? I would probably annoy her to the point of her telling me to get to the other side of the island and my feelings as well as my pride would be injured. I would therefore, probably choose Tammara Webber because she seems like a smart, strong, independent woman, but she seems like someone with whom I would be friends with and I think that, too might be important when stranded on a deserted island.

Take a picture of your bookshelf and share it with us! 🙂 (#ABEAShelfie)

My Library 2

Lynnpic avatar Lynn’s Introduction

Tell us a bit about yourself: How long have you been blogging? Where are you from? How did you get into blogging?   I’m Lynn. I live in Houston, Texas. But I’m really a Midwesterner at heart. I’ve been co-blogging here on Chapter Break since Julie’s and Rose’s personal lives got too busy to keep up with the blog themselves (aka November 2014). For reals, though, I’m still getting used to the whole blogging and commenting thing. I don’t mind the posting part. It’s the commenting part that I never remember to read or respond to. I do read other blogs, I am just not into commenting.


What book are you reading right now? I’m reading Effortless for Rose (and not enjoying it) as well as rereading Ten Tiny Breaths for book club.

What is the top book in your TBR pile? We are participating in a Shelf Love challenge this year. I have a super long list of TBR books. But I think at the top of that list is Graceling by Kristin Cashore.

What book are you most looking forward to reading this summer? I can’t wait to read Armada by Ernest Cline. Ready Player One is one of my favorite books.

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what author would you want to bring with you? Why? I’d want Rainbow Rowell as my co-strandee. Her books are great. Plus, I get the feeling from reading her social media posts that we could be besties. And maybe, JUST MAYBE, she would tell me what those three words were from Eleanor and Park. And I would promise to not tell a soul if we survived.

Take a picture of your bookshelf and share it with us! 🙂 (#ABEAShelfie) 

Good thing we just posted about our book shelves!

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Posted May 27, 2015 by Julie S. in ArmchairBEA / 9 Comments


9 responses to “Armchair BEA 2015 – Day 1 – Introductions #ArmchairBEA

  1. Nice shelves Julie, hope you’re not soaked in Houston like my s-i-l.
    Nice shelves Rose. I love Rob Thomas. Bought Matchbox 20 tickets, years ago, and didn’t go. Still have the tickets in my memories box.
    Nice shelves Lynn!
    Happy ABEA ladies!
    Freda recently posted…#ArmchairBEA Introductions

    • Julie

      Yes we’re quite a bit soaked heh – this has been some storm system. Hope your SIL is ok.

      • Family is good, though the house suffered a little damage when it got hit by lightening. That was a scary minute. No fires, just black marks all over the walls in the attic.
        She lives in a suburb, I guess they have a bit of water everywhere but not too bad.
        Stay safe!
        Freda recently posted…#ArmchairBEA Introductions