Armchair BEA 2015 – Day 1 – Library Love #ArmchairBEA

Posted May 27, 2015 by Julie S. in ArmchairBEA / 7 Comments

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Library Love
Librarians are awesome. Not only are they helpful, they’re very fun to talk to and give great recommendations. Show your library some love, and the wonderful men and women that run it. Why is your library fantastic? Got any funny stories? Feature your library on your blog? Do an interview with a librarian?


Julie Review Avatar   Julie:

I’m a member of two libraries: the Houston Public Library and the Harris County Public Library. I don’t really know why there has to be two for the city of Houston and surrounding area, but more is better, right? I don’t physically walk into a library enough – or at all – though. All my library-ing is done via the awesome Overdrive app and the library makes up a good amount of the audiobooks I listen to. I love getting an audiobook from the library because that means I don’t have to use an Audible credit. Cause I’m not a re-reader, or a re-listener, anyway.  Now that I have a tiny human, I plan to physically visit the library more because I loved to do that as a kid and I’m sure my kidlet will too.

Rose review avatar   Rose:

I can remember be super excited to go to the library when I was younger. Heck, who am I kidding?  I still get excited to go to the library. I admit that I do a lot less browsing of the shelves than I used to due to the fact that mostly my trips to the library now days consist of picking up books on hold. I love my library, which is the Fort Bend County Library at Cinco Ranch and George Memorial Library in Richmond. They are both beautiful and sometimes I find myself going there just to read and enjoy the scenery outside a window. Each library has a stunningly beautiful campus.

Lynnpic avatar Lynn:

I’m a big fan of libraries. I started going to the library when I was a kid, using the old school card catalog and checking out more books than I couldn’t possibly read before they were due. I even donated a bunch of books to the local library before I moved. I belong to two libraries, as well, Houston Public Library and Harris County Public Library. Belonging to two libraries is great. If one library doesn’t have a book I want, then hopefully, the other will. And I like to reserve books at both libraries and pit them against one another to see which library wins the contest and gets me the book first. I usually use Overdrive or Hoopla to check out ebooks or audio books. But I did just recently go to the actual library, and the main branch downtown! I needed a copy of a book for book club and didn’t have time to wait for it to be delivered to my local branch. I didn’t wonder around much (parking is expensive downtown). Though, now that I’ve been there, I need to go back to wonder around when I have more free time.

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Posted May 27, 2015 by Julie S. in ArmchairBEA / 7 Comments


7 responses to “Armchair BEA 2015 – Day 1 – Library Love #ArmchairBEA

  1. Ah, it makes me a little sad that my kids have never used a card catalog! It wasn’t *that* long ago that I spent vast amounts of time perusing the card catalog. 😉 I’ve loved the library since I was a kid as well. My aunt was a librarian. I’ve always been a library patron – still am even if my own shelves are full to overflowing. It’s a place I enjoy taking my kids (even though they’re teenagers now) and we can spend lots of time searching for *treasure*. Thanks for sharing your library stories, ladies.
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    • Julie

      Ah the card catalog, I remember being confused by that as a kid. Yay for digital.

      • Lynn

        The card catalog was great! Plus, I loved looking at how many times a book was checked out.

    • Julie

      Yea I miss spending time inside one too. I haven’t done that for any length of time since I was in school.