Blogging Q&A
Blogging 101. All kinds of tips and tricks to get you started or keep you going. Talk about ARCs, reviewing in general, web design, etc. What blogging platform do you use? How do you network? What are some of your favorite web designs? Or maybe you want to talk about your own blogging journey, and how you got to where you are now. Either way, we want you to share your knowledge with the rest of the community!
Woa, this sure is a broad topic huh? Blogging 101 can be a whole series, not just one post. I’ll just touch on a few general topics on blogging and our journey, and maybe the discussions will spark some ideas for future individual posts.
I’ve been blogging for many years, with a really long break of sporadic posting and non-updating. When we started this blog, I got to re-learn and see what I remembered, and that motivated me to make changes to my personal “lifestyle” blog that had been neglected for a long time. Chapter Break has always been on WordPress, and I’m a big fan of that platform. We started on the free server before moving to self-hosted after 6 months of blogging together. I love all the plugins that WordPress lends itself to as well as the lovely themes! I love the theme we’re using, Tweak Me by Ashley of Nose Graze. We were able to customize EVERYTHING.
Networking as a book blogger is a lot of fun, because you can go to author events and pass out your contact card (or bookmark) and people don’t really look at you funny because they get it, that’s why they are there too. Commenting on other book blogs and interacting on social media is a great way to make blogging friends and find fans of your own blog. Meeting someone who loves the same books you do is a fast way to make friendships.
ARCs – well that is kind of a delicate topic in my opinion. When I first started I wanted ALL THE ARCs, but then I realized I had to read and review them all. I quickly found I bit off more than I could chew, and had to be more selective. Also, I found it awkward to review a book negatively and then have to share that with a book tour, publicist, or author. So I stopped accepting review requests and found freedom in reviewing whatever it was I wanted to read.
I’m sure there’s so much more to say on blogging, but this is probably enough for now.
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[…] Julie@ Chapter Break’s: Introduction & Literature thoughts; Blogger Development and Genre Fiction; Character Chatter; Blogging 101 […]
I’m featuring ALL your BEA posts in my Sunday wrap up 🙂
Well I for one feel very special 🙂
I liked them a lot! 🙂
Daniela Ark recently posted…Book Review: Of Love and Distance, by Divya Jyoti Randev
And you’ve done such a wonderful job, ladies 🙂 I love your blog – it’s got the best quotes, super interesting discussion topics and lovely reviews. Applause! Applause! Enjoy your weekend! 🙂
Ramona recently posted…Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman
Aww *HUGS* Thanks Ramona:)
funny this week I’m posting my Part II about the my experience as a new blogger. About hosting in WordPress and The plugins I found helpful: The Calendar and the spam blocker! Can’t live without them Thanks for posting Julie!
Daniela Ark recently posted…Writing checklist: 20 easy ways to write more
I’ll have to check out your blogging posts 🙂