Character Chatter
It’s time to give your favorite characters some love! Characters are essential to a story, and they can make or break a book for some readers. Now’s your chance to shine the spotlight on your favorite characters, or maybe your least favorite. Who’s your favorite couple? What are the components of a well written character? What are you favorite or least favorite cliches associated with characters?
I love a believable character who I can also admire. I’m certainly not a fan of wishy-washy or one-dimensional characters, or a character who’s actions are not consistent. What I really love are kick-ass female characters with wit and brains and inner strength. Some of my favorite examples of these characters are:
- Hermione Granger – Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
- Sydney Sage – Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead
- Rose Hathaway – Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead
- Katniss Everdeen – Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins
- Kaylee Cavanaugh – Soul Screamers series by Rachel Vincent
- Faythe Sanders – Shifters series by Rachel Vincent
- Claire Fraser – Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon
I love love. Any book with a decent love story and I am hooked.What makes a love story so good is the characters. I love character drive novels with a strong female protagonist and a tortured hero. My top five couples in no particular order:
1. Jamie and Claire- Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
2. Alex and Tatiana- The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons
3. Evan and Emma- Reason To Breathe by Rebecca Donovan
4. Lucas and Jacqueline- Easy by Tammara Webber
5. Kellan and Kiera- Thoughtless by S.C. Stephens
I suppose I should write something other than “All of the above”? I, too, want a strong female protagonist. One that isn’t there merely to decorate the male main character or whine and complain throughout the whole book. I like characters who are fully developed, who I’d want to be friends with in real life.
1) Phèdre nó Delaunay in Jacqueline Carey’s Phedre’s Trilogy. Along with her consort Joscelin Verreuil
2) MacKayla Lane in Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series. And definitely Jericho Barrons
3) Cather and Levi in Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
4) Karou and Akiva in Laini Taylor’s Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy. And Zuzana and Mik, as well
5) Elizabeth and Jane Bennet. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
And just for some equal opportunity, here are some male characters that I really enjoy.
1) Juan Cabrillo in the Oregon Files by Clive Cussler and Jack DuBrul
2) Jack West Jr. in Matthew Reilly’s Jack West series
3) Aloysius Pendergast in Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child’s Pendergast Series
4) Death in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series
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I’m a huge fan of character-driven novels as well. And I definitely want a heroine (and hero) who have inner strength and tenacity. Julie, there is only one heroine on your list I haven’t met – Claire. All the others would make my list, so I’m eager to meet Claire. Rose, I haven’t met all your couples, but the ones I have ensure I’ll love the others once I do meet them. And Lynn, can I say you warmed my heart with Lizzie and Jane Bennet on your list?!? Great post, ladies!
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…Teaser Tuesdays #68
Ha all of mine are fantastical characters in some way. Claire is the only historical, but the still that series has some magic in it.
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I may not know everyone you mentioned, but I agree with all of you. In addition to these, I love the villains and anti-heroes. Those who belong in the gray area, the ones who makes me think and put myself in their shoes, trying to figure out what I would do if I were them.
Great answers, ladies! Enjoy the weekend!
Braine Talk Supe recently posted…Quick Hits: Wolf Bride by Elizabeth Moss + The Huntress of Thornbeck
Forest by Melanie Dickerson
I agree, a good villain is fun to read too!
Oh, I love all your lists. I like Puck from The Scorpio Races, Seraphina from Seraphina & Shadow Scale and I’m reading Feed now (Newsflash trilogy) and I quite like Georgia. I’m not going into couples, because that would take too long, lol. Great topic!
Ramona recently posted…Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman
Ooh definitely good call on the girl from Scorpio Races. Brave chica for sure.