Armchair BEA 2015 – Day 4 – Book to Movie #ArmchairBEA

Posted May 30, 2015 by Julie S. in ArmchairBEA / 10 Comments

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Book to Movie Adaptions
What books do you want to be made into a movie or television show? What are some of your favorites? We’ll explore more about this topic, especially what works and what doesn’t.  Are there any upcoming shows or movies that you’re excited for? What are your recommendations?


Julie Review Avatar   Julie:

By far my favorite book-to-movie adaptation has been the Hunger Games movies. They are just excellent movies and interpretations that are true to the book. Then there are others that start out pretty awful and then get better as the series progresses: that would be Twilight. The first movie was just awkward but the final movie was quite amazing and a really interesting interpretation. As for TV shows, True Blood started out as an awesome adaptation of the Sookie Stackhouse books, but then went all crazy. A series I think would make a good screen adaptation is The Grisha series by Leigh Bardugo. I think the story can lend itself to some beautiful clothing and magical effects.

Rose review avatar   Rose:

I agree with Julie that the Hunger Games was well done. I disagree with her about the Twilight adaptations. I thought the first movie was excellent and the rest of the movies were cheesy. How come no one agrees with this!? I love watching adaptations of the classics like Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice. I also like season one of True Blood. It was fantastic and what made me decide to read the Sookie Stackhouse novels. I did not really care for the Mortal Instruments series or the movie, but I am curious about the TV series that is rumored to air sometime in the future. I would really love to sea The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons come to the big screen or even as a 12 part mini series or something. I think it would make a spectacular adaptation. Starz adaptation of Outlander held some promise but is oddly falling flat as the season progresses. Too Bad.

Lynnpic avatar Lynn:

I can see the reasoning behind almost every popular book being made into a movie these days. The source material is already popular, with a built in fan base. Once the movies are made, however, I recommend not making comparisons between the book and movie. Many movie adaptations have the same issues. The characters don’t look like what I imagine. The plot is changed. The story is condensed to fit into 90 or 120 minutes at most. And does watching the movie bring more readers to the books? Or do the movie watchers not bother, once they know what happens? (The cynic in me suspects the later.) I agree that there are excellent book to movie adaptations. The Fault in Our Stars comes to mind. I stopped reading the Game of Throne books after the second one. I like the condensed version on the TV series much better. And there are not so excellent adaptations. Yes, Rose, I agree with you on The Mortal Instruments, and I liked those books. I never watched the Pillars of the Earth mini-series as I couldn’t face the disappointment in adapting one of my favorite books. There aren’t any books that I’m dying to have made into movies. I’ll go with the flow and see movies made from books I’ve read as well as books I haven’t yet read. I am looking forward to Ready Player One and The Martian. I have pretty high hopes for both of these movies.
I preferred the first Twilight movie, too.


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Posted May 30, 2015 by Julie S. in ArmchairBEA / 10 Comments


10 responses to “Armchair BEA 2015 – Day 4 – Book to Movie #ArmchairBEA

  1. I agree with Julie on Hunger Games and Twilight. 🙂 (sorry Rose!) I typically read the book prior to watching the movie and sadly, I am sometimes disappointed. But then there are the times when Hollywood does a good story justice! I’m going to date myself but one movie I’ve always thought was well done was The Silence of the Lambs. I don’t watch tv but I see an interesting trend towards creating tv shows based on many, many YA books.
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  2. I agree about The Hunger Games. I think it is one of the best book to movie adaptations I’ve seen.

    I’ve also been happy with the TV show Bitten (from Kelley Armstrong’s Women of the Otherworld books), even though the are getting increasing farther away from the books. I do think they are keeping the main characters, at least the wolves, very close to that of character of the books.

    The book I’m most excited to see in theaters is The Martian. I loved that book.
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    • Julie

      I’m not sure about the Martian – is it going to be a voice over the entire time? heh

  3. I completely agree about The Hunger Games series. I think they have done an amazing job with that one. The Twilight series started out really bad, but I loved the last one. One series I would love to make into a movie is the Gone series by Michael Grant. I do think there are talks to maybe turn it into a TV series. I love that series so, so much. I would love to see it on the big screen!
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    • Julie

      I’ve heard great things about the Gone series, but haven’t read it yet. It does sound like it would make a good TV show.

    • Julie

      I just watched Vampire Academy on demand, it wasn’t as bad as people made it out but it was disappointing anyway.