No Book Buying Challenge 2015 – June Update
As you know, we are co-hosting the Show Your Shelves Some Love: A No Book Buying Challenge. You can also review the details of the post on the “No Book Buying Challenge“ page from the menu above.
For June, we are doing a Mid-Year Check In. How are you doing? Have you met your goals and/or budget? What changes have you made? Are you thinking ahead to next year?
So, I’ve read 7 books I own so far this year. That seems a bit sad, doesn’t it? Especially since my goal is 21-30 books (give your shelves a warm friendly hug) and I’m only a third of the way to the lower part of my goal. This isn’t looking good. But, I haven’t bought any books for myself so at least I’m doing well in that part of the challenge. I’m listening to audibooks mostly so my audible credits are the only thing that keep being purchased each month. I’m also listening to library books and books available by my audiobooks streaming account. So that’s why even though I’ve read 24 books so far this year, I’m still not on schedule to meet my goals for #ShelfLove. I gotta make some changes yep.
I have embedded my Goodreads shelf so that I can share the books I read as I go.
Lynn: Yeah, I’m not really on target at this point. I’ve read 6 books so far on my Shelf Love Shelf. My goal of 21-30 books looks very far away. I have not purchased any books, however. So, go me! I’m super proud of myself for not buying any books. I really thought that would be the most difficult aspect of the challenge. My downfall is that I’m borrowing books from the library, instead of reading the books that I own. I really need to work on reading the books I own. I also haven’t been listening to as many audio books. Or those that I listen to are for book clubs, not for pleasure. I’ve also unpacked my books from moving 2 years ago. I found an entire box of books that I need to read. But now at least, I have to look at them sitting on the shelf. I picked up one this weekend and started it. I’m hoping that looking at my books in one place will help me focus on reading those, instead of borrowing books from the library.
I am so bad…. I have only read a few books from my kindle that I already owned. I have not read any physical books from my actual bookshelf in my library. This year has been a whirl wind for me. Student teaching while working full time , then buying a new house, moving, adjusting to said new house… I had an unpack the library party two weeks ago in which friends helped me unpack boxes filled with books and arrange them on the shelves in my library. (Thank u Lynn and Lisa!) I had hoped to read more once summer gets here… Well… Summer is officially here….
Are you participating in this challenge? Link up your update posts below:
After linking up, don’t forget to grab your entry in the Rafflecopter for the giveaway. a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Hello. I went MIA for a while. While MIA I did buy books, many, many, books. I would like to take another shot at reading what I own again though. If you ladies don’t mind me working on this challenge again going to start fresh and give it my best shot. Much,much, harder than I anticipated to not go out and purchase my biggest weakness.
Every month is a new chance to meet your goals 🙂
Not buying books is a huge accomplishment! Great Job guys!
Kaitlin Michelle recently posted…#Shelflove Midyear check in
I’ve been doing pretty well reading my freebies (because that’s what I’ve challenged myself to do). That is, up until May. It’s been a poor reading month for me. I’m hoping June will be better. All those new releases were calling to me.
Because I don’t have a blog or a website or anything, I’ve been using my Goodreads shelves and Facebook note to record my progress.
I like how you’re keeping track of your progress on Facebook like that. I can’t “like” since we’re not connected but looks like you’re doing well keeping to your budget most of the time 🙂
I read 39 books so far, all of which I own. I spent a pretty penny :P, and I’m behind my goal about 2 books I think. But it’s okay. The important thing is to have fun and I’ve got got covered all right :))
Ramona recently posted…Zen Monday: Namaste!
Yea you got it, have fun 🙂 Great job on the books you’ve read so far!
This seems like a great challenge. You guys have plenty of time to reach your goals. Good luck!
Cynthia recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday – PLEASE make these books into movies or TV shows!!
Definitely a needed challenge for us book hoarders.
Ladies, the good news is it’s only June. You still have plenty of time to hunker down and read those books you already own! Right?!?
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…Teaser Tuesdays #68
And it’s only the beginning of June as a commenter pointed on on my site!
Terri M., the Director
Second Run Reviews
Terri M., the Director recently posted…In the Spotlight: Tamara Jones, author of Spore
Sure, provided I find time to read again.. I already burned through most of my previously owned audio books lol