Chat Between Chapters: Books that ruined you for other books

Posted June 21, 2015 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 13 Comments


  Have any books ruined you for other books? Did you read something just so amazing that other books just can’t compare? Do share!

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

I think there are some books that are so well-written that they can ruin you for other books in a similar genre/style. We can’t help but compare. I think Colleen Hoover’s earlier books ruined me for contemporary and NA romances. Colleen Hoover’s earlier works also ruined me for Colleen Hoover, since she set the bar so high at first. #Sorrynotsorry. I think The Hunger Games ruined me for other dystopias, since it led the way in my enjoyment of the genre, and other books do not have the same effect on me. Also, I think the Soul Screamers series ruined me for other YA paranormals, because I was quite obsessed with that series and Tod! Well, since we’re on the topic, I think Tod, and Dimitri, and Adrian, and Jamie, and Lucas have all ruined me for other book boyfriends. I’m sure there’s more I can list, but I’ll stop here.

Rose review avatar Rose:

Probably the book that gave me the longest book hangover and therefore was the most difficult to come back from was The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons. That book just destroyed all other books. I eventually found Outlander and what can I say? JAMMF healed me. Probably the most recent book that I read that I still am not sure I even have recovered from is Thoughtful by S.C. Stephens. I love Kellan Kyle. He has ruined me for all future boyfriends. In fact, my boyfriend of 4 years at the time and I even called it quits right after I read this book. Coincidence? Hmmmm I am not sure. I broke up with a boyfriend of 3 years after reading The Bronze Horseman and I ended a 6 year relationship while reading the third book in the Outlander Series…. So perhaps there is something to this? I suppose all of my exes would say that reading has destroyed my relationships… I would prefer to look at it as though reading saved me! I mean, without Kellan Kyle, Jamie Fraser and Alexander Barrington, how would I even know I good man when I finally meet one?


Julie stole my Colleen Hoover idea, so I’m going to go with Tammara Webber for the YA/NA contemporary romance genre. Easy is just brilliant. As well as Breakable, Lucas’s companion novel. I think the whole companion novels are starting to get out of hand. But this one? It’s actually worth it. And provides some more insight into the love story. Laini Taylor’s Daughter of Smoke and Bone series ruined me for other YA fantasy books. Karou and Akiva are still with me more than a year later. The characters in these books are amazingly well written. I really want to just be a part of their lives. And mostly, Rainbow Rowell. I want to live with her and her characters. We could all live happily ever after together. 

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Posted June 21, 2015 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 13 Comments


13 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Books that ruined you for other books

  1. […] it wasn’t until I got a gentle nudge from Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight  (in reply to our Chat Between Chapters: Books that ruined you for other books discussion) that I finally decided to make it a priority. Also, this serves as a #ShelfLove read, […]

    • I have the first book in the Unwind series Shannon, in audio actually. Maybe I’ll make that my next #ShelfLove read 🙂

    • Julie

      I think since her first books were pure gold, she’s having to compete with herself and is kind of slacking off lol.

  2. Pretty much everything by Maggie Stiefvater makes everything else seem weak. I’ll Give You The Sun made all other contemporaries seem inadequate. Before I Die by Jenny Downham ruined me for all the other dying-kid books that have ever been written or will be written in the future. *sigh*
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    • Julie

      I haven’t read either of those titles, but I’ll Give You the Sun sounds like something I should check out since I’m so picky with contemporaries anyway, I might actually love it 🙂