Chat Between Chapters: Books that made you bawl like a baby

Posted June 28, 2015 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 18 Comments


 Tell us about those books that made you ugly cry. What books made you bawl like a baby?

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

Honestly, I’m really not much of a book crier. No book has made me ugly cry, but maybe a few did make me tear up. I’d say The Fault In Our Stars is one such book. Another example is Wonder.

Rose review avatar Rose:

So the first book that ever made me cry while reading was in second grade and the name of the book was A Taste of Blackberries. That book was soooo sad. Then in fourth grade it was Beauty by Bill Wallace. I remember I was sitting in the living room bawling my eyes out and my brother was like, “Great, Mom and Dad will think I did something. Stop crying I’m gonna give you something to cry about! Gosh, Rose, it is just a book!!!” My parents had been out to eat and left my older brother in charge. He did not liking reading. I must admit, I sorta like books that make me cry. I guess I feel safe emotionally purging due to a book. I feel a sense of relief from it and it is not nearly as devastating over crying about my own life, so I kinda enjoy it actually. Weird, I know.


I’ve both happy cried and miserable sad cried while reading books. And I think it takes some mad writing skills to create characters that I invest in so emotionally that I’m crying. And even crying at work while listening to audio books. Which is not comfortable to explain to coworkers. As for happy crying, I’d start with Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan. I just finished this the other day. The end had such an emotional impact on me. I’m not Will Grayson, but I appreciate Tiny Cooper. All of the books in the Contours of the Heart series by Tammara Webber. I think I cried reading each one of those books. I’d also also say that Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell had both happy crying and miserable sad crying. I think there were some chapters that I both laughed and cried while reading.  As for miserable sad crying, verging on ugly, I’d say Fault In Our Stars, for sure. The Breathing series by Rebecca Donovan. And The Bronze Horseman. All of these books are emotional roller coasters. 

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Posted June 28, 2015 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 18 Comments


18 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Books that made you bawl like a baby

  1. The first book that ever made me cry was Bridge to Terabithia as a child. Recently, I reread a book that made me cry just like the first time: The Art of Racing in the Rain. That is a book about a man and his dog, but it is told from the POV of the dog. Man, that book made me ugly cry the first time I read it. I still cried the second time, but not as hard. And of course Skyscraping by Cordelia Jensen. I cried for half the book.
    Cynthia @ Bingeing On Books recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday – Favorite Books of 2015!

  2. I cry ALL. THE. TIME. while reading. I mean, happy tears, sad tears, scared tears… it’s actually a requirement that I cry at least once for a book to get 5 stars from me! One of the books I cried THE hardest during was TFIOS, of course. And Mockingjay. The one I sobbed about most recently was… hmmm… The Uninvited. And I finished it last night so… yeah I cry a lot 😉
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight recently posted…Book I Read In 2015, You Have Captured My Heart

    • Julie

      I probably don’t really read the sad books very much. I kind of refuse to read Firefly Lane lol

    • Lynn

      Before I Die does sound like an ugly cry kind of book, Ramona. I’ll need to check that one out!

  3. Rose, you’ve read Taste of Blackberries?! OMG! That’s the first book I remember making me cry. I read it elementary school. Two years ago while on vacation, we were visiting used bookstores and I found a copy for $2.00 . My husband thought I was nuts for buying it, but I had to have it.

    TFiOS definitely made me cry, Julie. The movie made me bawl like a baby and I knew what was going to happen.

    Lynn, I started (and finished) Fangirl yesterday. I got teary eyed and I laughed a lot. I swear that Rainbow was writing about me in college. My HS boyfriend broke up with me shortly after I started my freshman year. He told me, on the phone, that the last 3 years together seemed pointless and wasted. It was so similar to Cath’s experience!

    The latest book to make me ugly cry was The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. I’m a sucker for WWII novels and this one has it all. It’s heartbreaking and heartwarming. I spent two nights back to back sobbing as I finished the book. It was amazing.

    My sister and I just bonded over Code Name Verity. She finished it in 3 days (and she has 3 kids). I listened to it last summer thanks to Sync. We both were heartbroken and amazed by Wein’s masterful writing. I was jealous that she got to read the book so quickly. She was jealous that I got to listen to book and that Queenie and Maddie rode in my car with me telling me their stories. We both cried during the same points in the book.

    I like books and movies (and television shows) that get me emotional. Sometimes it is better than therapy so let loose while engaging in someone else’s story. Like I’m not so alone in my happiness or misery.
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    • Lynn

      Code Named Verity was a tear-jerker, Terri. I agree completely. I listened to it last summer, too. We are actually reading it in July for our book club. And I’m glad that Fangirl spoke to you. It’s one of the few audio books I’ve actually kept on my phone. I listen to it when I need a laugh. Or a cry. And I can’t wait for Carry On to be released!

  4. Great topic! The book that made me cry the hardest to date is Styxx by Sherrilyn Kenyon. And Sophie Kinsella’s books always make me laugh so hard, I have tears running down my face. That could cont as crying too, right?
    That story, Rose, with your older brother is funny. Did your parents came home to you crying?
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