Chat Between Chapters: What makes a good summer read?

Posted July 12, 2015 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 26 Comments


 What makes a good summer read? Share your summer book selection criteria with us.

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

Well, I’m not a technical book selector and just go with the flow. But if I do have a summer books checklist in my mind, it might look something like this:

  • Light-hearted and generally not dealing with difficult or depressing topics.
  • A book with travel.
  • Not super long, something that might be a good beach or weekend by the pool length.
  • Brightly colored cover.
  • Bestseller, so you can talk about it with random people who have also heard of it or read it.

Also, here’s a great summer reading list for teens to help you select your summer books.

Rose review avatar Rose: 

A summer read should be light hearted. I love a good Abbie Glines love story for my pool side summer time reading. I tend to read my heavier books in December or in the winter months for some reason. I usually just read whatever I want to read,  when I want to read it. However, I cannot wait til NEXT summer, as it will be my first summer off in a long long time. I am starting my first year of teaching this fall and am already counting the days til summer break.  547.  Too soon???? Next summer I am sure I will be more than ready to dive right into summer light, fun summer reading selections.


I tend towards opposite books based on the season. I know, I’m weird. It’s 1200 degrees outside. I want something set in winter to cool me off. Or at least have the allusion of cool. With sweaters and snow. And yes, when it’s cold, I want a warm, summery, beach-set read. I also don’t want anything crazy emotional,or depressing, or really long. Light and breezy does seem to fit in with summer. In all seriousness, though, I really don’t follow any sort of seasonal reading. I just read what I want to read, when I want to read it. 


what makes a good summer read

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Posted July 12, 2015 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 26 Comments


26 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: What makes a good summer read?

    • Julie

      Sounds like a popular answer – lighter reads. Though lately I’ve been reading some heavier stuff heh.

  1. Because I live in the tropics and have little kids, I actually have a pretty hard time keeping track of what season it is, so I can’t say I really give much thought to “summer” reads. I just read whatever looks good to me whenever. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing this post at Booknificent Thursday this week! Always glad to have you!
    Tina at Mommynificent recently posted…Booknificent Thursday Link Up Party #105

    • Julie

      While I don’t exactly live in the tropics, I do the same and read anything at any time of year 🙂 Thanks Tina!

  2. I love Lynn’s way of doing it, I think I find myself doing the same! Like around Christmas, I don’t want a tearjerker, I was some fluff. And I can’t read about heat when I am also hot either! Though really, I am not a huge light & fluffy reader any time of the year- only when the mood REALLY strikes me. This is a fun post, ladies!
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight recently posted…This Week At Midnight (70)

    • Julie

      I’m with you that I’m not usually craving light and fluffy reads. Thanks Shannon.

  3. Whenever I think “summer read” I do definitely think of books that are not too heavy or are set during summer. But in reality I don’t think I actually stick to these criteria when reading books during the summer – I just like the idea of summer books 🙂
    Zareena recently posted…Review: Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge

    • Julie

      I’m like you, I like the idea of summer books, but then read whatever I would read any other time of year.

  4. I love summer books that are fun and make me laugh. I also love romance, mystery, and even dramatic stories that make me cry. Now if you have combo of stories that make me laugh, have romance, mystery, drama and make cry those are not miss stories. Kristin Hannah delivers a lot of these stories.
    Mary Hill recently posted…Seeing Spots and “Eat More Chikin”

    • Julie

      That is a great combination of things that make a book wonderful. Thanks Mary 🙂

  5. I like fluffy fun reads when I’m on holidays too!! I tend to actually lean towards books that are in season, weirdly. XD Right now it’s cold and I’m huddling under a million blankets and reading Game of Thrones and it’s just FITTING. hehe
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    • Lynn

      very good point, Ramona. Too many other things to do to commit to a long book during the summer!