Chat Between Chapters: Super Steamy Summer Booklist

Posted July 19, 2015 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 9 Comments


 Share your Super Steamy Summer reading list with us!

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

Since I’m not really into the super steamy books, I thought I’d curate a few other summer reading lists on the web.

Rose review avatar Rose:

….I think that Julie and Lynn knocked this one out of the park, but I can add just one more series you might wanna take a peek at: Colorado Mountain Series by Kristen Ashley.  Alpha males, likable female protags, sexy times… all around fun read with just enough grit, angst, suspense and humor. I really enjoy this author’s style.


Hmm. Steamy books, huh. First off, don’t google steamy gifs at work. Trust me on this. Instead, you get a safe for work steamy gif. 



Let’s see:

1) Jacquline Carey: The main character in the Kushiel series is a consort. I don’t think it gets much steamier. 

2) Karen Marie Moning: All sorts of sexy men. Usually with tattoos. And super-natural gifts. In the bedroom. 

3) Tammara Webber: Great emotional connections to the characters makes the sexy times even better. 

4) Sophie Jordan: Be is contemporary or historical romance, I’ve loved everything that Ms. Jordan has written. For reasons. 

And here are some other lists for you:


…….And if you make it through any of these books, you might need this afterwards. 




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Posted July 19, 2015 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 9 Comments


9 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Super Steamy Summer Booklist

  1. Great suggestions! I loved Easy and Breakable by Tammara Webber. And Sweet is on my summer TBR. (I’ve yet to read her earlier series.) I’ve yet to read anything by Kristen Ashley but I see nothing but rave reviews for her books. One of my faves is Abbi Glines. Her new adult series are plenty steamy and totally addicting.
    Tanya recently posted…That’s What *He* Said Thursday #01

    • Lynn

      Sweet was really good, Tanya. And I keep meaning to read Abbi Glines, but just haven’t gotten around to it. I need to check her out.

    • Lynn

      Lol, Terri. I’ll remember that shower for next time. And yes, Outlander is pretty steamy!