10 Reasons I Can’t Read and I’m Dying Inside

Posted July 22, 2015 by Julie S. in Bookish Rants, Featured Posts / 28 Comments

10 Reasons I Can't Read and I'm Dying Inside

We bookworms have this awesome hobby – reading – maybe you’ve heard of it? We’ll practice our hobby wherever and whenever we can. Unfortunately, there are plenty of times when we can’t read, and that just breaks our hearts. Some of us are so addicted that we are (not literally) dying on the inside. These reasons might include:

1. Work. Work is this black hole of time suck that takes away from everything we want to do. But without it, we can’t afford to live in a place with a roof and walls, can’t feed ourselves, and really, can’t buy books! So, I’ve learned to put up with work and look forward to quittin’ time so I can go home and read.

2. Family. OK, so I suppose I should be fair here since family is important and all that. Especially since I have a baby now, I kind of get the whole “family comes first” thing. But really, all the time that is being demanded by family members is time I am not reading. See that book over there? It demands my attention too honey, so maybe give me some time to myself, mkay?

3. Blogging. Right, so this thing we do, that I’m doing right now, is blogging. Writing posts and reviews and thinking about wording stuff takes time. That time could be spent reading. So, sometimes even blogging can be evil when the next book says “read me” and you have to say “but these reviews aren’t gonna write themselves.” Of course, there’s also the reading of other blogs. It takes time too, and though it is awesome to read cool stuff other people have written, it doesn’t quite count as reading my book, now does it?

4. Burn Out. This one is just sadness, but sometimes I read so much and I get tired of reading. I know, blasphemy! But it is a real thing and sometimes one can get caught in a slump. Sometimes I go weeks months without cracking open a book or sliding my finger across my eReader.

5. TV. So there’s this other time suck – it is called the idiot box. And sure, there are really good shows on. Some even based on books. Like True Blood or Outlander. But, when I’m watching these books on TV, I’m not reading these books.

6. Friends. Well, friends are a great thing to have and all, but they also require a bit of time as well. And some friends are needier than others. So there are times when I want to be reading, but instead am at someone’s birthday party or other get-together. I really feel like I should be a good friend to people, so that is why I’m not reading right then.

7. Theater. I have a season subscription to two shows – Broadway and Theater Under the Stars. Both are super awesome and fun and lovely and all that musical wonder stuff. But, when I have a theater day, it takes up most of the day. So it is a day that no reading gets done.

8. Phone calls. Don’t you hate it when someone calls you? No, just me? This introvert hates the phone. Anywhoo, when someone calls, and I decide to answer, now I’m stuck in a long conversation about something or other, but my book is now sitting in front of me sad that we were interrupted.

9. Pets. Furry children get their own category. They need attention too. My dogs are easier because I have a big yard so I don’t actually have to walk them, I just let them out and let them run around and do their business. But that doesn’t mean I’m off the hook. They are so needy and jelly of each other that if I scratch one dog’s ear I gotta scratch the other one’s and then we’re in a scratch fest and my book gets pushed out of the way by these critters. There’s also the cat. She’s a sneaky little one. She likes to crawl up and sit on top of what I’m reading. So if I’m reading in my lap, she’ll sit on my lap. If I’m in bed and holding up the book, she sits on my chest and blocks the book from my view. Smart little cat. She knows how to get me to pay attention to her.

10. Sleeping. I love to sleep, ok? Don’t get me wrong, this is awesome happy time when I’m curled up actually resting. But, us humans we need a lot of sleep to function. And no reading gets done when there is sleep to be had. So I’m not reading when I’m sleeping, and (a small) part of me is sad about that.

What are your reasons you’re not reading right now?

Note: This was a guest post I wrote a year ago for a giveaway blog hop. It was such an awesome post, and these reasons are so true today, that I thought I would freshen it up and share it here. 

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Posted July 22, 2015 by Julie S. in Bookish Rants, Featured Posts / 28 Comments


28 responses to “10 Reasons I Can’t Read and I’m Dying Inside

    • Julie

      Oh yes, all that stuff on our homemaking to-do list, definitely takes away from reading time! Thanks Sue 🙂

  1. Bless! You sound super busy!

    Unfortunately, I don’t read! So I don’t have this problem. I should start reading though…

    Thanks so much for linking up with #justanotherlinky 🙂 Hope to see you again this week x

  2. Oh I can totally relate to this. Before I had my kids I would spend hours reading books. I’ve always been a massive book worm. Now that both my kids are finally going to bed at a decent hour I would actually have time to pick up a book (if it weren’t for blogging). Two days ago I was a little blogged out and just couldn’t be bothered and I found myself sitting there thinking what shall I do to fill in the time as there was sod all on TV. And then I remembered I have five brand new books somewhere that I had completely forgotten about. For the first time in months I am currently hooked on a book again and it feels great. I’ve really missed books x
    Unhinged Mummy (aka Janine Woods) recently posted…Slimming World – Week Three

    • Julie

      Why is it that we end up picking blogging over reading? Glad you finally got some time to get into a great book!

    • Julie

      Same here pretty much, I haven’t read a physical book or ebook since winter when I had the baby. At least I have audiobooks during my commute. Thanks for the invitation to link up, I’ll add this post 🙂 I’ve also linked up with my other blog, thanks for visiting both!

  3. I was just telling my mom how much I was missing reading for the very same reasons you’ve listed in your post. I’m looking forward (kinda) to being locked in a plane for 4 hours each way to get to read some new books I just downloaded. Thanks for sharing your post at the #AnythingGoes Link Party.

  4. I just went through a phase where several of these applied. We moved and things were crazy here and then I didn’t have any internet, which should have meant reading time, but was going through a slump at the same time.
    I have noticed that in my daily routine, I have to manage my time, or reading takes a back seat to blogging.
    Suzi Q, The Book Dame recently posted…Kindle Kandy No. 10

    • Julie

      Moving really throws everything off so I definitely understand that slump. I was in a huge one after we moved too. You’re right about managing your time, blogging takes so much more time than it seems it should.

    • Julie

      Haha yea, work takes up so much of our time. I also prefer texts to phone calls – quick and to the point, why draw it out in a long conversation about nothing? lol

    • Julie

      Ha, sounds like your dog needs a house with a big yard where you can just let her out and do her own business.

    • Julie

      Oh yea, a book hangover is a great reason why we can’t read. At least it is due to another great book 🙂

    • Julie

      Thanks 🙂 It was fun to write so I wanted to make sure my own readers saw it 😉

  5. Well, I’m just reading my friends’ blogs at the moment, lol 😀 Otherwise, all of the above minus pets (we don’t have any of our own, though the neighbors’ cat practically lives here) and plus writing (which I do for many hours, 4 days/ week). Great post, both idea and execution! 🙂
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