Every Thursday we are hosting a meme called: That’s what HE said Thursday. For more info on what this meme is all about click here.
Rose’s Quote:
“I’ll leave it to you, Sassenach,” he said dryly, “to imagine what it feels like to arrive unexpectedly in the midst of a brothel, in possession of a verra large sausage.”
–Jamie Fraser to his wife, Claire
(Dragonfly In Amber by: Diana Gabaldon)
This quote really needs no explanation. Jamie arrives at a brothel…. unexpectedly…. with a very large sausage. A new friend of mine is working his way through the series and just read this part. I thought it would be the perfect time to re-share this quote which is an absolute favorite of mine!
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You really can’t go wrong with a Jamie quote, they are definitely worth revisiting.
Love that one! What a classic. I remember reading that one in the book and just howling. Jamie Fraser… an ultimate book boyfriend. {sigh}
Tanya recently posted…That’s What *He* Said Thursday #02
Ahhh Jamie ♥
Kei recently posted…That’s what HE said Thursday [39]
Ah, that Jamie… I read the first book, loved so many things about it, hated the fact that she took the beating and decided to stay with him despite of it. I don’t think I’ll read the next ones. But, yeah, Jamie sure has a way with words 🙂
Ramona recently posted…Funny Quotes
Haha gotta meet him soon! I want to start the tv series, but before that I need to read the books. 😉
Melissa Robles recently posted…That’s What HE Said Thursday #48: Alexander from Queen of Someday
Bwhaha lol great pick I haven’t read the outlander books yet or have seen the tv show. But I have heard about Jamie Lancaster really well. And I am really intrigued about him that I really want to give this book series a try! ?
Katiria Rodriguez recently posted…That’s What He Said Thursday #10 – The Grow by Lindsay R. Mohlere
LOL!!! I have an a Jamie quote, too! I just finished Outlander and am looking forward to Dragonfly In Amber soon hopefully! I love this quote. Jamie has a naughty sense of humour! ~ Bel
I have not read the outlander series yet. I have the first 2 books waiting on my bookshelf.
Andie recently posted…Thatâs What He Said Thursdays (5)
Oh, Jamie! 🙂
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