My Top 5 Wishlist for Features in a New Series

Posted July 29, 2015 by Julie S. in Bookish Rants, Featured Posts / 27 Comments

My Top 5 Wishlist for Features in a New Series

We’ve already discussed how we feel about tropes in novels, and I previously shared why I might rate a book 2 stars. Now let’s talk about features I would love to see in a new series (especially of the YA and fantastical varieties). These are features I just don’t see enough of, and these could persuade me to give a book that elusive 5-star rating.

  1. A first novel in a series where the main character (MC) already knows that (s)he is a super special snowflake and what variety of special snowflake the MC is. This is in contrast to the norm – where the MC spends the entire first book finding out and then denying the fact that the MC is a magical entity. An example is Sophie Mercer of Hex Hall who already knew she was a witch (though more development and surprises came in later books).
  2. The world building and plot start right in with the fun and the conflict and the suspense and the character development, rather than wasting time on what I already mentioned in the bullet above.
  3. An epic ending where the MC played an active role in stopping Big Bad or solving the mystery. I’m seeing too many books where the MC is just bumbling around not knowing what to do or how to be the awesome hero the prophecy foretells, and then solves the problem by sheer accident/dumb luck/not on purpose. (Aka, not like in School Spirits or Death, and the Girl He Loves. And definitely like in With All My Soul.)
  4. More stories with a group of friends a la the Scooby Gang, who support each other through it all and each play a major role in helping the MC succeed. Excellent example: Harry Potter.
  5. Character development over the course of the series, but the MC needs to start out interesting, too. While it can be annoying to deal with a weak MC who doesn’t realize how special s(he) is, seeing that MC grow stronger and braver over the course of the series is awesome. I just don’t want the first book to turn me off the series before it gets good. An example of a character who starts out interesting and gets even more awesome is Sydney Sage from the Bloodlines series.

What is on your wishlist for a new series?

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Posted July 29, 2015 by Julie S. in Bookish Rants, Featured Posts / 27 Comments


27 responses to “My Top 5 Wishlist for Features in a New Series

  1. Woh- that was unexpected! It’s nice to read something other than a parenting blog for a change! I love YA fantasy but I completely agree- it’s so tiresome waiting for the main character to work out how super they are! #thelist
    Morna recently posted…12 ways to beat budget airlines

    • Julie

      Ooh yay to give you something unexpected – I also run a family blog hehe 🙂 Glad you like to read the same genre as me, I think we’d get along 🙂

  2. Wow, fascinating and detailed read this. I’m not too sure what my suggestions would be, I need to go away and think about this. Thus far I’ve only published non-fiction but I would love to publish fiction too so I should ponder over this. It may inspire me. #TheList
    John Adams recently posted…Spend less, save more this summer

  3. Came over from the Lit lover’s link up. I wish the special snowflakes didn’t have to be on their own without family or friends to do their quests. I think there’s potential for interesting character growth for the special snowflake with parents or siblings who see them change. I’d also like them to wear normal clothes. And not leather 🙂

    I’d also like to see women that are more normal and still special snowflakes. Paige from Kelley Armstrong’s Women of the Otherworld series isn’t a bombshell. But she’s not to be trifled with either. Strength and being special doesn’t mean need to fit into hipster jeans or leather and a tight-midriff top as so many covers show.
    Verushka recently posted…Feature and Follow Friday #12

    • Julie

      Good point here – special snowflakes are usually solo characters. And yes no more leather already. Normal people don’t dress like that. Sounds like I need to give the Women of the Otherworld another try.

  4. I like your 4th point about a group of friends. And I would like it if each book in the series had a different friend as the MC, but still included and developed the other friends (not just as cameo appearances).
    Karla Cook recently posted…After Dark

    • Julie

      Ooh that’s a great idea, that way the series continues to stay interesting becuase the focus shifts.

    • Julie

      You know what, I need to try The Hollows again. I loved book 1 but the second book bored me and I stopped there. I did like Rachel a lot. Thanks for the nudge to try out the audio.

    • Julie

      YES!!! Enough with the love triangles. If a story needs a love triangle to create drama, then the story itself is weak and shouldn’t be written! (was that too harsh?)

      • After reading your list, I think you might like Debbie Viguie’s books ( Have you read any of them? I absolutely adore her Psalm 23 mysteries, but she has quite a few other series (some paranormal and some not) and I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve ever read of hers.

        Thanks for sharing this list at Booknificent Thursday. Very thought provoking!
        Tina at Mommynificent recently posted…Booknificent Thursday Link Up Party #107

        • Julie

          No I have not but ohh her and I graduated from the same college. I’ll have to read her then, any specific book I should start with?

  5. Try the Women of the Otherworld series by Kelley Armstrong or the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs. Both are adult fantasy and some of my favourites! They both start off knowing that they are special but they both evolve after all the crazy stuff happens. Also I find all the book have epic endings with fun battles and whatnot.
    Chelsea @ Books for Thought recently posted…Friday Recommends: If You Liked…

    • Julie

      I read the first Women of the Otherworld and wasn’t wowed so I haven’t tried more, but sounds like I should give that series another try. I’ve been wanting to start some Patricia Briggs soon too. Sounds like both of these series might be what I’m looking for 🙂 Thanks!