No Book Buying Challenge 2015 – August Update
As you know, we are co-hosting the Show Your Shelves Some Love: A No Book Buying Challenge. You can also review the details of the post on the “No Book Buying Challenge“ page from the menu above. For August, tell us about some of the best bookish gifts that you’ve received and/or given.
Several of the book clubs I’m in (and used to attend on a regular basis until my whole world changed *cough*) do white elephant type exchanges. The creatures book club had some really fun ones where we exchanged creature-themed Christmas ornaments and otherwise some creature gifts. I had a blast looking for zombie earrings or a creepy necklace and the like. For the non-creature book clubs we’ve exchanged things like Harry Potter themed jewelry, so that was a ton of fun too. I love bookish stuff.
I have embedded my Goodreads shelf so that I can share the books I read as I go.
I’m a big proponent of sharing my love of reading and books with others. This usually results in my giving books as gifts. This is especially true when it comes to gifts for my nieces and nephews. I was on a Neil Gaiman kick last year, and Fortunately, the Milk was a go to gift for earlier readers. And how can it be wrong that I “previewed” the book before gifting it. I had to make sure it was good first! I love Pat The Bunny for a baby gift. I can’t even count the number of new babies who have this book because of me! (Check it out if you are looking for a baby book!) As for adult books, these exchanges have been mostly white elephant. I passed along Fan Girl by Rainbow Rowell and a book of literary inspired cocktail recipes in the gift exchanges. As for most memorable book I received as a gift, I’d have to go with Dead Men Do Tell Tales. It’s memorable because my mother gave the book to me twice, once in hard back and once in paper back. And I don’t think I ever read it.
For my shelf update, I’m up to 10 completed books in total this month. Go Me! And yes, sure, I’m still adding to the shelf with free books, but I’ve still not purchased any books.
I once had a boyfriend who said that he never knew what to get me for my birthday or for christmas. Really!? HELLO! I like to READ! Any who, I think books make wonderful gifts. I also like little things that go along with the books. I have a key chain engraved with the word, “Sassenach.” I would love it if I had a boyfriend who got me Claire’s ring from Outlander….hint hint hint future boyfriend…
Are you participating in this challenge? Link up your update posts below:
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I am so jealous! There aren’t any book clubs in my area, and when I tried to start one (on two occasions) they didn’t take off as I had hoped! Great gifts!
Kaitlin Michelle recently posted…#ShelfLove Challenge August Update: Best Bookish Gifts
I think to do a bookish gift well, you have to really know the person, and I think that is what really scares people away from giving them. I have had four or five friends who really get the kind of books I love – some who have similar tastes to mine and others who don’t but we still understand each other’s tastes, and it is so fun to exchange books and bookish gifts with them because we know the other person will love it. It’s harder when you don’t understand the other person’s reading taste well enough yet. I think your ex-boyfriend’s comment was very enlightening to the fact that he didn’t really know you. Of course, he saw all the books on the shelves around your house, but he hadn’t yet taken the time to understand what it was about certain books that speaks to your heart. And until you’ve done that, it’s no fun to give a bookish gift because you don’t have that joy that what you’re giving with touch the recipient.
Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday! It was fun to think about.
Tina at Mommynificent recently posted…Brainstorming Books and Booknificent Thursday Link Up Party #108
I really love this comment because you’re right – if someone doesn’t know what kind of gift (or bookish gift) to give you, then it does show they don’t know your reading habits or interests well, and in that case they don’t know you very well yet. But all that person has to do is just ask what about a particular book or genre speaks to us.
Bookish jewellery would make some amazing gifts!! I need to start dropping hints methinks
Yes, drop some obvious ones though… cause men folk be silly.
I can go without buying a book (for a little while). I just bought two audio books today but that was a free offer from Goodreads thru Audible. My husband and I are both book buyers plus people give us books for various holidays. I need to catch up on my shelves. The absolute best bookish gifts I have received are a beautiful handcrafted book locket (found on etsy) with my husband and daughter’s pictures inside and a construction paper book my daughter made with illustrations. (I am a writer so this tickled me that she was being like momma!)
Etsy has some wonderful bookish gifts! That’s so sweet that your daughter made you a little book, definitely following in your footsteps.
I love this topic, ladies. I, of course, share my love of books with everyone. I’ve sometimes joked that my nieces and nephews *always* know what their gift is going to be…the surprise is in the title. 😉 Lynn, I love your suggestions for baby gift books. And Rose, I giggled over your hinting to your future boyfriend.
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…That’s What HE Said #33 ~ Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts #12
Ha glad you have an awesome niece and nephew to gift books to!
Ah, how I LOVE bookish gifts! My family always gets mad because they don’t know what to buy me but um… do you not see the dozens of books and bookish things on my wishlist!? Why do people think books aren’t gifts!? Silliness!
Oh, and Rose- I am glad to hear “had” as the term to describe that foolish boyfriend 😉
Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight recently posted…Review: Vivian Apple Needs a Miracle by Katie Coyle
Bookish things are awesome gifts, and it baffles me why that is so hard to understand to our family members and friends who don’t read.
Oh, I couldn’t go a whole month without buying books!!! What would I read?! Goodness me, no – no way! Lol, this is me, panicking at the prospect O_O 🙂
Ramona recently posted…Little Women Adapted Into A … Gritty Dystopia
You know what, Ramona, I thought the same thing in December when we decided to do this challenge. And honestly, it’s not been that bad. I’m still downloading free books, though not that many. And I’m getting most of my new books from the library. Reading the books I own is a bit more difficult. But I’m working on it!
What would you read? Don’t you have a bajillion books you own but haven’t read yet? No? Only me?
Ooh, this theme will be good. I got some really awesome bookish stuff in the last few weeks, and I’m getting some more for my birthday…
Nikki recently posted…Review – A Dance in Blood Velvet
Thanks, Nikki! And Happy Birthday!
Looking forward to seeing your post, and happy birthday 🙂
I should update my post as my husband bought me a copy of TFiOS movie as a birthday gift.
Terri M., the Director recently posted…#ShelfLove Challenge Update: Best Bookish Gifts
Great gift, Terri! Happy Birthday!
That is a great birthday gift 🙂 Yay and happy birthday again 🙂
oh, I love this post! because I get to say that for my birthday I’m getting the UBB!!! Can’t think of anything better right now 🙂
sooo excited!
ooooh… I see “Red Rising” in your Upcoming Reviews list. One my favorite books ever. Looking forward to that review 🙂
Actually I mentioned this week on my post:
Blogging Tip: How to Write a Book Review Part VI: Oh, that Voice
Darrow’s is my favorite voice of all times :):)
Daniela Ark recently posted…Blogging Tip: How to Write a Book Review Part VI: Oh, that Voice!â
Thanks, Daniela. And as it seems to be a theme today, Happy Birthday to you, as well!
Awesome that you’re getting the UBBP for your birthday. Enjoy it, and your birthday 🙂