That’s what HE said Thursday Rewind- August 13, 2015

Posted August 13, 2015 by Rose C. in Memes, ThatsWhatHeSaid / 8 Comments


Every Thursday we are hosting a brand new meme called: That’s what HE said Thursday. For more info on what this meme is all about click here.

Rose review avatar  Rose’s Quote:

“So I don’t want you to feel pressured. Or overpowered. But I do, absolutely, want to kiss you right now. Badly.”

Lucas to Jacqueline

(Easy by: Tammara Webber)

I decided to reshare this TWHST post because Lucas is one of my all time favorite book boyfriends.  This is a quote he says to Jacqueline right after sketching her and telling her he is not like “that” guy.  I like self aware Lucas is and how careful he is with Jacqueline.

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Posted August 13, 2015 by Rose C. in Memes, ThatsWhatHeSaid / 8 Comments


8 responses to “That’s what HE said Thursday Rewind- August 13, 2015

  1. Oh my goodness, it’s *way* too early in the morning to be this swoony. 🙂 Easy is one of my favorite books and Lucas… oh my. He is the sweetest, kindest, gentlest guy. My heart just ached for him in Breakable. What a great quote for TWHST. So glad you (re)shared this one.
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  2. I loved that book! Lucas is so sweet and considerate <3 It's been a while since I haven't reread that book, but I kind of want to right now. Great pick 🙂