Book covers are something that often rub me the wrong way. So many books these days look the same, some to the extent that it becomes difficult to recognize a specific book or distinguish it from another. Why do so many book cover artists insist on using the same stock photos? Are there not enough photos out there to let a book have a somewhat original cover? Below is a lovely infographic that highlights the stock photo issue and other book cover issues. Enjoy 🙂
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I get upset with the lack of originality in covers. I mean, an author puts the life into creating a book with an original story and they get an unoriginal, uninspired cover?
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…That’s What HE Said #35 ~ Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts #14
Which makes me think the book itself is unoriginal and uninspired…
Well, I’m reading Little, Big now – how strange to find out there’s another book out there with the exact same cover! This phenomenon was completely unknown to me… Like I said, strange…
Ramona recently posted…Reading On The Phone
Yea it does kind of throw you off when you see it for a book you’re reading, and especially if you didn’t expect it to be a stock photo.
Love this post! I once posted about one guy who I see on TONS of covers (often the same image). It’s so frustrating because it gets hard to tell the books apart!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Lost World by Kate L. Mary – Review
Let me guess, he’s gorgeous and has long hair and tats?
Actually, no. I mean, he’s attractive, but he’s just sort of brooding. You can see him HERE.
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Stepdog by Nicole Galland
Ah, I was thinking of the guy on the cover of Easy/Breakable (and a ton of other romance books)