Chat Between Chapters: Cats in Books

Posted November 1, 2015 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 17 Comments


 Did you know that Oct 30th was Cat Day? I mean, how can we not talk about cats now? Who are some of your favorite bookish cats?

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

Look, you know I love kitty cats, right? I think it is awesome when there is an important cat character in a book. There are so many to talk about, too.

Some, where the cat is a magical creature of stubbornness and fur – for example, Grimalkin in the Iron Fey series. Or, Giguhl in the Sabina Kane series -well, maybe not and fur.

Then there are the kitty cats that mean a lot to our characters and so get some serious mentions. Like the kitty Helsing in the Night Huntress series. Or what about Prim’s cat, huh? Can’t forget a cat that got smuggled into another District! Cats are important companions in the House of Night series as well. And let’s not forget that Hermione had a kitty cat too!

Oh I could probably go on forever. But really, I want to hear from you. Share your bookish cat lists.

Goodreads also has some lists we can peruse.



I’m not really into pets – I prefer breathing. (Stupid allergies!)

But for me, the cat that stands out the most is Hamlet from Losing It. First off, Garrick! And I love how Bliss fakes having a cat, but then has to get a real cat to impress the boy. And Hamlet is hilarious, and prefers Garrick to Bliss. 

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Posted November 1, 2015 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 17 Comments


17 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Cats in Books

  1. […] a quest she is on of reading more non-fiction books in November (definitely a worthy challenge!). Over at Chat Between the Chapters, they are discussing their favorite bookish cats. Crookshanks is probably my favorite bookish cat of […]

  2. I just commented on Sabrina’s post about the animal characters in Diana Wynne Jones’s books — which include a terrific cat character in The Magicians of Caprona. I think she must have been a cat lover as there are several other examples: offhand I can think of some in Charmed Life, Castle in the Air, and The Islands of Chaldea. The griffins in Dark Lord of Derkholm and Year of the Griffin are also part feline. All highly recommended!
    Lory @ Emerald City Book Review recently posted…Do I need a niche?

    • Julie

      The cover of Wallbanger creeps me out cause the guy looks like he has leg-arms, but if there’s an important kitty cat I might reconsider reading it someday 🙂

    • Lynn

      Thanks, Amanda. And I can see your point. Animals in books do help with humanizing characters.

    • Julie

      I’ve got that series on my wishlist 🙂 Gotta check if the library might help me out with this.