No Book Buying Challenge 2015 – November Update
As you know, we are co-hosting the Show Your Shelves Some Love: A No Book Buying Challenge. You can also review the details of the post on the “No Book Buying Challenge“ page from the menu above.
November’s topic: Are you thankful you did this challenge? How have your habits changed and will you continue with any changes you’ve made in your book buying routine?
Yes I’m glad we did this challenge. It has been so much fun to host and interact with others. My buying habits have certainly changed. Now I just don’t buy books unless I’m planning on reading them right then. I also don’t use audio credits unless I’m about to listen to the book. So, my hoarding had changed a bit. Unfortunately, my reading books I own hasn’t been going too well. I just have too many books and no time at all to really sit down and read them. I have read a total of 14 books from my #ShelfLove shelf, but my goal was 21-30 books: give your shelves a warm friendly hug so it isn’t looking good.
I have embedded my Goodreads shelf so that I can share the books I read as I go.
Lynn: I’m glad we participated in this challenge, too. I’m thankful that I have finally started to organize the books I actually own. I’ve also changed my spending habits considerably. Sure, it’s still hard to pass up those 99 cent or free books, but if I’m not going to read it or listen to the audio right away, I pass. I’m also thankful for my local library. I’ve been checking out books for book club instead of buying them. It’s great to be able to download ebooks or audio books from the library. I’m up to 17 books on my Completed Shelf. And I feel like I’m finally making some progress. Mostly because I’m seeing the end of the year coming up and that challenge is staring at me to read 21-30 books. I’m not likely to get anywhere near 30 books in the next two months. But 21 doesn’t look so bad.
Are you participating in this challenge? Link up your update posts below:
After linking up, don’t forget to grab your entry in the Rafflecopter for the giveaway.
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I think it’s great that you’ve read *any* books from your shelves – that’s progress. And that your spending habits have changed is a bonus. I know I’ve benefited from this challenge on both those fronts. So thanks for hosting it! Are you doing it again next year?
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…#TravelingtoTerminus Review ~ For the Record ~ KA Linde ~ #ShelfLove
Thanks, Brandee. And we’re discussing repeating next year. We’ll let you know.
I think it would be interesting to do again next year, but maybe a slight variation of it. Maybe just focusing on reading books we own and less focusing on a forced buying ban?
It’s a great, responsible challenge, and it was a pleasure to watch you from the sidelines
Nicely done.
Ramona recently posted…Zen Monday: The November Agenda
Thanks, Ramona. It’s been fun for us, too.
I’m definitely glad we hosted this challenge! Like Lynn, I’m seeing my “need” to read more books from my #ShelfLove shelf increase as the end of the year draws near. I won’t meet my goal, but I’ve definitely read more books I already own and that’s a wonderful thing.
Terri M., the Director recently posted…What Geeks Me Out | A Guest Post from Dennis W. Green
Agreed, Terri. It’s a lot easier to read the books you own when you know which ones those are!