Chat Between Chapters: Genre: Humor

Posted November 8, 2015 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 13 Comments


 Who here reads humor writers? Do you have a favorite comedian you follow in book form as well as on TV? 

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I’m not all that into humor writing, because it mostly is just OK to me. There might be funny bits here and there, but no one’s life is that hysterical that a humorous memoir is going to have me rolling in my chair. I think the only humor books I read have been for book clubs, such as Tina Fey’s Bossypants and Amy Poehler’s Yes Please! They have been interesting reads, but I wouldn’t pick them myself. Am I missing out on some amazing humor books?



I read Mindy Kaling’s first book Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me and wasn’t impressed. I gravitate more towards sarcasm and dark humor like Douglas Adams or Terry Pratchett. When I’m looking for something light and funny, I head for contemporary romance like Vicki Lewis Thompson. And there is always Janet Evanovich. Stephanie Plum’s antics are always comical. I would also recommend any book by Bill Bryson. He made the history of a Victorian home both informative and witty. 

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Posted November 8, 2015 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 13 Comments


13 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Genre: Humor

  1. I;m not one to read humor books though I have read a lot of the Stephanie Plum series. There are books that have made me laugh a little but I think I would hard time reading something that is suppose to be funny. I like hearing and seeing a comic tell the joke.

  2. I don’t read much non-fiction humor either. Although my hubs loves it – I’ve bought John Stewart and Stephen Colbert books for him. I do like fiction with humor incorporated though…don’t read much but I recently read Eve Langlais at Melanie’s recommendation and it was funny. Hmm, I think my reads are seriously lacking in this area. 😉
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    • Julie

      That might be my problem too. It is hard to care when too much sarcasm or failed jokes are flying around.