Who here reads humor writers? Do you have a favorite comedian you follow in book form as well as on TV?
I’m not all that into humor writing, because it mostly is just OK to me. There might be funny bits here and there, but no one’s life is that hysterical that a humorous memoir is going to have me rolling in my chair. I think the only humor books I read have been for book clubs, such as Tina Fey’s Bossypants and Amy Poehler’s Yes Please! They have been interesting reads, but I wouldn’t pick them myself. Am I missing out on some amazing humor books?
I read Mindy Kaling’s first book Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me and wasn’t impressed. I gravitate more towards sarcasm and dark humor like Douglas Adams or Terry Pratchett. When I’m looking for something light and funny, I head for contemporary romance like Vicki Lewis Thompson. And there is always Janet Evanovich. Stephanie Plum’s antics are always comical. I would also recommend any book by Bill Bryson. He made the history of a Victorian home both informative and witty.
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I don’t really read books that would be defined as humor, but I love witty banter in my books, so I get my humor that way. 🙂
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Firewalker by Josephine Angelini – Review
I;m not one to read humor books though I have read a lot of the Stephanie Plum series. There are books that have made me laugh a little but I think I would hard time reading something that is suppose to be funny. I like hearing and seeing a comic tell the joke.
I’ve only read the first Stephanie Plum and it was kind of a flop for me, so I didn’t keep going. But everyone says they’re all funny.
The first couple books are iffy but she got better as the series went on though it needs to end now unless she give the characters a major shake up.
Bunnita @ Worth Reading It? recently posted…2015 Discussion Challenge – The Wizard of Oz vs The Wiz
I don’t read much non-fiction humor either. Although my hubs loves it – I’ve bought John Stewart and Stephen Colbert books for him. I do like fiction with humor incorporated though…don’t read much but I recently read Eve Langlais at Melanie’s recommendation and it was funny. Hmm, I think my reads are seriously lacking in this area. 😉
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…#ShelfLove ~ Why I’m Grateful for This Challenge
lol, Brandee. I say if you aren’t in the need of humor, stick with what’s working!
Not much into humor myself, I have to admit. I suppose it’s because I find it difficult to get invested into a “funny” book. I’d much rather care than have fun 🙂 Great post!
Ramona recently posted…Zen Monday: November Fun
That might be my problem too. It is hard to care when too much sarcasm or failed jokes are flying around.
Maybe once or twice a year I’ll tackle a humorous book. I read Assassination Vacation by Sarah Vowell and enjoyed it. But my funny bone is so oddly placed and I hate not getting the joke. So I tend to shy away from books with a comedic bent.
Terri M., the Director recently posted…Scenic Sundays 54: The Role of the Writer #GivingThanks
Thanks, Terri. And I totally understand. It’s definitely not funny when you don’t get the joke.
I think my funny bone is oddly placed too!
I love humor in my reading. I haven’t read much from actual comedians, but I have some authors that always bring the humor. Molly Harper, Eve Langlais, Shelly Laurenston/G.A. Aiken, Ilona Andrews (more snarky type of humor) are all authors that will make me laugh out loud.
Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons recently posted…The Single Undead Moms Club Audiobook by Molly Harper (REVIEW)
Thanks, Melanie. We’ll have to check those out!