Today we have a lovely guest post from Book Blogger Kayl. I love this topic and it segways nicely into a feature we’ve been wanting to start here.
Life as a Basic Book Blogger (On Judging Books Based On Their Covers)
From a very young age, we are taught the simple concept “Don’t Judge a Book Based On It’s Cover.” It’s to keep us from looking at the surface, and to peer into the deep depths that lie underneath. Appearances don’t matter and all that jazz.
I’m calling bullshit.
Book covers DO matter, and I’m about to tell you why from the perspective of a basic book blogger.
Basic Book Blogging
Every book I read, I judge it based on it’s cover. If I don’t like the cover, I don’t read it. Simple as that.
Why do I do this, you ask.
I’m not about to waste my time reading some book with a crappy cover. I like to look at it, other people see it. I’m not about to carry around some basic book cover. Other people are going to see it, I want it to be pretty.
When I read out in public, I like to show off the books I’m reading. It’s a way I notice books, so I’m guessing that others learn about new things the same way. I don’t want to be judged because I’m reading a book with a crappy cover. It doesn’t help me in any way.
Covers are meant to intrigue a reader
This is what people set their eyes upon first. Don’t miss your chance to draw someone in.
A book cover should:
- tell something about the book
- be pretty/simple, UNIQUE
- catch someone’s eye
- draw the reader in
If used correctly, a book cover can do so many things for an author/publisher. It’s what they’re here for, please use them correctly, or I may not read your book.
From a Basic Book Blogger’s Perspective
I read a lot of books. Sometimes those books I read get jumbled up in my mind to where I only remember a few key things about a book. More often than not, one of those key things is the cover.
TBH, I don’t have time to read every synopsis or look up a review for a book. I notice the cover first and foremost, so generally that’s what I’m going to judge a book on. That’s what it all comes down to, time. A reader is going to be browsing books and if your cover does not do what it should (see above) than it is going to get skipped over. It is going to merge into the thousands of books a reader sees.
I’ve been judging books based on their covers for most of my life and they rarely steer me wrong. Yeah, there’s a few books with pretty covers on my shelf but I use them for eye-candy. It may be basic, but it’s helped me in the long run.
I may be basic, but I accept it 100%.
Are you a #BasicBookBlogger? What are your thoughts on judging books based on their covers?
Kayl is a teenager living in the Midwest. She’s always been an avid reader, but was introduced to blogging after reading the LUX series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. She’s actually a huge fan of JLA and always somehow brings her up…
The Walking Dead and the band 5 Seconds of Summer keeps her sane between exams and schoolwork. When not reading, she can be found obsessing over music.
And she is most definitely a #BasicBookBlogger.
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Thank you for hosting me! I had a blast writing this post and then again reading the comments. It’s always great to see what other’s think! Also, it’s nice to know that I am not the only one that does this lol
Thanks again!
Kayl recently posted…Dystopian Game: Nexis
Thanks Kayl 🙂 We loved having your guest post!
It is so frustrating when the covers are amazing but the books let you down.
Covers DO matter, if only because of the huge volume of books available nowadays. The cover is the first thing that will make a book stand out. Or not. Simple as that 🙂
Ramona recently posted…Black Friday Book Bonanza Giveaway Hop
Agreed, first impressions matter 🙂
Oh I definitely judge covers, it’s what first catches your eye after all. But covers aren’t the main thing that decide whether or not I’ll read a book. So many of my all time favourite novels have had a bad cover at one stage or another, and I can’t help but wonder how many hidden gems I’d walk past if I only picked the pretty books. The synopsis and the community’s thoughts on the novel have a lot more weight for me than the cover.
Bec recently posted…Review: Uprooted by Naomi Novik
Covers are a great way to quickly learn about the book, but yea aren’t the only thing I base whether or not I read a book on.
I have to agree with you – covers do matter. Bad quality covers usually keep me from even opening a book. I just can’t help it!
Rosa @ Cat Lady Confidential recently posted…12 Cool Gifts for Cat Lovers You Can Buy On Amazon For Under $10
Bad quality covers make me think what else is bad quality, you know? Maybe they had no editing budget either.
It’s really hard not to judge a book by its cover. That’s the first thing I see when I look at a book. If the book cover is what I like (or love), I’m gonna pick it up to see what’s inside.
However, there are a few gems with TERRIBLLEEEEEE cover, and that sucks because the book deserves all the awesome.
Cee recently posted…2015 YA Book Cover Choice Awards! · Semi-Final Round!
You’re right, some great books really deserve better covers.
Fun post! I am a cover whore, I’m not gonna lie. But I try *not* to judge a book by its cover…if I always did that, I’d have missed out on the greatness that is Vampire Academy. I didn’t like that cover but my older daughter, who was about 9 at the time, reminded me I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. I’ve tried to keep that advice in mind. 😉
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…#TravelingtoTerminus Audio Review ~ Five Weeks ~ Dannika Dark
You’re right that the VA series doesn’t have the best covers heh. It is hard not to judge though.
Oh…I agree.
Covers pull me in, but I do check out contents of the book.
Some books have gorgeous covers but aren’t something I would read.
I am swayed by the cover first. 🙂
Silver’s Reviews
My Blog
Elizabeth (Silver’s Reviews) recently posted…It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? – 11/23/15
Covers can also be misleading. Sometimes you think it is your type of book, and it turns out to be something else entirely.