No Book Buying Challenge 2015 – December Update
As you know, we are co-hosting the Show Your Shelves Some Love: A No Book Buying Challenge. You can also review the details of the post on the “No Book Buying Challenge“ page from the menu above.
December’s topic: End of the Year Check in Post. How did you do with the challenge? Share an updated picture or list of your TBR pile(s).
Would you do the challenge again in 2016? You would? Well, you’re in luck because we’re doing it again! We’re co-hosting the ShelfLove 2016 Challenge so check out the page for details and stay tuned for our kick-off and goals post.
I definitely need to do something like this again next year so I’m thrilled that we’re doing a modified version of this challenge again. I haven’t read as many of my owned books as I wanted, and my shelves are still overflowing with unread books. I’ve gotten really good at not buying books, since I really can’t read them anyway, so learning that restraint and reducing my collecting urges has been great for my overflowing bookshelves and my wallet.
I have read a total of 18 books from my #ShelfLove shelf and at the moment I have two in progress. My goal was 21-30 books: give your shelves a warm friendly hug so I came close and may still meet this goal as there are a few weeks left of this year.
I have embedded my Goodreads shelf so that I can share the books I read.
Lynn: Here’s the thing. I’ve read 50 books so far this year. And not even half are books I actually own. I’m gobsmacked by that statistic. But, before this year, I would have never even known that number, as I wasn’t tracking it. From this challenge, I’ve learned these major points:
1) I can be patient and wait for books from the library. I don’t need to buy books right away when published.
2) It’s a lot easier to know and read the books you own when you actually track them. It was rough at first, but once you have a list of the books you own, searching for something to read is much easier. And maintaining the list once started is pretty simple.
3) It’s really difficult to resist all those free and 99 cent books. Trust me. I struggle with this every day. But I’ve come to realize if I buy a book, I need it to be one I’m going to read right away. If something is intriguing enough, I’ll put it on my TBR list.
I’m really glad that we are continuing this challenge next year. I’m hoping to get my percentage of read books that I own over 50% of the books I read. I have 20 books on my completed shelf, with one that I’ll finish in the next week or so. I’m calling that challenge complete. My goal was 21-30 books: give your shelves a warm friendly hug.
I’ve embedded my shelf below. I don’t want Julie showing me up with her fancy skills!
Are you participating in this challenge? Link up your update posts below:
After linking up, don’t forget to grab your entry in the Rafflecopter for the giveaway. a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Thank you for hosting the challenge. I’m planning on participating next year. My January post will be live soon and I did gain quite a few books this year, but also read some off my shelve, so I consider the challenge a success even if I didn’t win by the numbers.
I like your perspective – yes even if you didn’t win “by the numbers”, reading your own books at all is a win!
Despite not buying that many books at all throughout the year, I ended up with more book on my TBR at the end of the year than when I started haha (this is thanks to birthdays and publishers sending review copies) But still I like to think I did well considering I only broke my buying ban three times!
I don’t think I’ll officially sign up next year but I’m definitely imposing a buying ban again in 2016 as well as a requesting ban. My shelf deserves more love!
Good luck with all your own 2016 challenges and well done with your acheivements!
Bec recently posted…December 2015 Wrap Up
Hey only buying books on 3 occasions is quite good progress on an all out ban. Good luck next year as well 🙂
I didn’t technically join this challenge (no linking or Rafflecopter entries), but I played along and did really, really well. *Patting myself on my back* I created 2 shelves on Goodreads, one for my 2015 Freebie Novel reading (over 120 pages) and one for my 2015 Freebie Novella reading (under 120 pages) and I set myself a budget of $15/mo spending for Amazon and Audible. I kept my tally in a document on Facebook and with the way December is shaping up, I’m sure I will be at over 120 on my Freebie Hoard reading and within a decent amount of my budget (some months were a few cents over, most were under). I had a blast doing this and I’m proud of myself for seeing a challenge (especially a year-long one) through to the end. Thank you!
Great job keeping to your budget and getting through all those books! Yes you should be proud of yourself for sticking with it all year. Will you do this again next year?
Yep! My 2016 Bought It, Read It shelf is up. In 2015 I tried to read a lot of accumulated freebies. To be honest, I felt like my overall reading experience was blah. So now, I’m going to tear into hoarded ones I paid for and really want to read. Should be fun.
Somehow I’ve gained SO many books on my shelf this year! If you’d asked me last year, I would have said I didn’t need this challenge, but obviously … things have changed. I’ll be joining you guys in 2016!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…2016 Book Blog Discussion Challenge Sign-Up!
Ha, yes I know that “where did all these books come from?” feeling well.
Wonderful job, you guys! I’m very proud of you 🙂 Keep up the good work!
Thanks Ramona 🙂
Now I’m regretting not making a special shelf this year so I could embed it like this! Next year, perhaps… I met my goal of 50+, so I’m pleased with myself, although given the relative height of my Mount TBR, it’s not that big an achievement!
Nikki recently posted…Review – Code Name Verity
That’s kind of like I feel too, my Mount TBR is so high that it is going to take me years of just focusing on it and nothing else to hike it.
Good job guys!!
kaitlin michelle recently posted…Throwback Review: Shrimp (Cyd Charisse #2) by Rachel Cohn
Thanks, Kaitlin!
I can’t tell you how excited I am that we are doing this challenge again this year. People thought I was crazy and perhaps I was when we came up with the idea. But I learned so much about myself and what makes me want to buy a book that it was so worth it!
Here’s to an amazing 2016!!
Terri M., the Director recently posted…Join Us for the 2016 #ShelfLove Challenge! Plus the 2015 Recap
We agree with you, Terri. On all points!
Congrats on your progress with your shelves, ladies! I’ve really enjoyed this challenge and am looking forward to doing it again next year! 🙂
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…25 Days of Book Boyfriends ~ Logan “High” Judd
Thanks, Brandee! And we are looking forward to you joining us!