Chapter Break Bingo – January 2016

Posted January 2, 2016 by Lynn in Bookish Bingo, Featured Posts / 29 Comments


We are starting a new feature for 2016. Monthly Book Bingo! Play along with us!

Here are the rules:

Each month we will upload a new bingo card. You download the bingo card and mark off squares as you read books each month. At the end of the month, we will post our own bingo cards. Link up your post or post your own bingo card in the comments.

The monthly winner will be the person with the most marked squares. None of that across, diagonal, up and down, corners stuff. Just the number of squares. Be sure to include the books you’ve read for each of the squares. Only books read during the current month count. You may use the same book to fill multiple squares. We’ll announce the winner the following month to allow everyone time to link up their posts.

And to encourage more people than Julie and I to participate, we are going to have a quarterly raffle! So download your January Bookish Bingo card now and get started!


January Bookish Bingo

Chapter-Break_bookish-bingo-JanuaryClick on the card to download (or click here).

Mark up the card however you wish to claim the squares.

Here’s a recap for clarity (with specific dates for example):

Jan 2 – new bingo card available

Jan 30 – Julie and I will post our January completed bingo cards. You can link up your bingo cards in this post

Feb 2 – new bingo card available

Feb 28 – Julie and I will post our February completed bingo cards. You can link up your bingo cards in this post. We will also be posting the January winner of the most squares in this post.

Mar 2 – new bingo card available

Mar 30 – Julie and I will post our March completed bingo cards. You can link up your bingo cards in this post. We will also be posting the February winner of the most squares in the post.

Apr 2 – new bingo card available

Apr 30 – Julie and I will post our April completed bingo cards. You can link up your bingo cards in this post. We will also be posting the March winner of the most squares in the post. AND we will be drawing the first quarter raffle winner.

And so on and so forth.

Questions? Comments? Let’s do this!

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Posted January 2, 2016 by Lynn in Bookish Bingo, Featured Posts / 29 Comments


29 responses to “Chapter Break Bingo – January 2016

    • Julie

      You can save and edit in a graphics program to mark off squares or even print and mark up and scan. Then you can do a post sharing your card and link that up to the linky at the end of the month, or just share your progress in the comments at the end of the month.

  1. Rose Milligan

    Are you supposed to read an actual cook book for the cook book square, or a book about cooking or written by a cook, like the book about Ree Drummond?


    • Julie

      Well, I think that is open to interpretation so however you want to spin these so they fit what you’re reading works for us. I’m thinking if the character is reading a cook book in the story, that counts.

  2. This sounds like fun – although I doubt I’ll ever win due to 1) the # of books I am able to complete each month, and 2) the genres I usually read. I actually have a few books planned for this year that would fulfill some of these categories (or if this was last year, Sookie Stackhouse would help me win!). But, I’ve downloaded it and will play along just to see how good I can do. 😀
    Karie {Girl Going Country} recently posted…2016 Reading Goals

    • Lynn

      Karie, we are doing a raffle, too, and all you need to be included is participate. The more times in the 3 months you participate, the more entries!

    • Julie

      Totally agree about remembering it being very hard. You can either plan out some reading in advance. OR you can be reminded by our wrap up post and then see how many squares you can fill 🙂