We’re starting a new feature here on Chapter Break called Chat About Covers. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.
So let’s kick this off with one cover that has creeped me out for a while.
Wallbanger is a book I just can’t stand to look at for one specific reason: It looks like the man has legs for arms. OMG don’t tell me you don’t see it! The way the two characters are positioned, it looks like Mr. Black Jacket man has arms that end in legs wearing heels. That right there is a creepy look. It also shows that the photographer didn’t pay attention to the alignment and didn’t edit the photoshoot well. It also shows the people responsible for selecting the cover didn’t pay attention to the overall look of their cover before stamping it official.
There are other things I don’t like about this cover. There is too much white in the background, and the girl wearing a white dress and laying down is pretty much invisible. Then there’s the fact that she is pretty much invisible except for her legs and hands, just kind of feels weird. And I don’t like the way the dude is standing.
Is there anything I do like? Well, I like the purple font selection.
Julie’s right on all points. Though, I probably would never have noticed the legs for arms thing, I can’t unsee it now. Especially with the shoes.
There isn’t much else that appeals to me with this book, either. The title and the position of the cover models does absolutely nothing for me. I’d like to think I’m not a prude, but I really am not into the provocative posing. Or really, this is more blatant than provocative. And maybe that’s my problem with the pose. I prefer some subtlety in my book covers.
I think of the title is a poor choice as well. Even without reading the synopsis, it’s a read turn off for me. All I see is Wall-Bang-Her. Probably as a result of the picture.
And I agree with Julie on the purple font selection!
What are your thoughts on this cover?
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As soon as I saw that you were going to be talking about this book, I thought, “Oh, I bet she’ll mention how it looks like the guy has legs for arms!!” LOL! This has always bugged the heck out of me and it makes me crazy every time I see the cover! I also agree with Lynn about the complete lack of subtlety.
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 1/17/16
YES! Glad we’re not the only ones who see and are weirded out by the legs for arms issue.
LOL I’d never looked at this cover so closely before so I hadn’t noticed the legs for arms thing. I can see it now. 😉 I freely admit that I judge books by their covers and I guess this one was always more ‘meh’ to me but I’d never picked it apart. You’re right on all counts – I hadn’t realized how much her dress blends in with the background and the pose is blatant. Honestly, I’m kinda glad I’ve already read this one or this cover discussion may have steered me away! 😛 But then I would have missed Clive that cat and that would be a shame.
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…Blogger Chick Chat w/Talk Supe ~ Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts ~ Fighting for Devlin ~ Jessica Lemmon
Oh is this the book about the cat? Hmm now I’m curious. So is the actual book good?
Well, Clive the cat definitely is a character in the book and he’s great! He has lots of personality. 😉 I think I gave Wallbanger 4 starts – it was a pretty good read.
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…Blogger Chick Chat w/Talk Supe ~ Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts ~ Fighting for Devlin ~ Jessica Lemmon
I had to drop by and comment since I can’t stop laughing. I saw the legs for arms thing right away and now I can’t unsee it!
Kimber Leigh Wheaton recently posted…Soldiers of the Craft by K.E. Moody – Author Interview & Giveaway
Yea, you really can’t unsee it. Thanks Kimber Leigh 🙂