Chat Between Chapters: Sports

Posted January 31, 2016 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 8 Comments


  Let’s chat about sports in books. Who are some of your favorite characters who are also jocks?

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

I’ve been trying to rack my brain to figure out if I’ve read any books where our main hero or heroine is a jock or really into sports, but I’m drawing a blank. Methinks this is not my genre.

I looked at some of the Goodreads Lists for such a topic, and am not really coming up with any that I have marked “read”. There are some lists that include the Beautiful Disaster/Walking Disaster books, which I have read, but I don’t really consider “cage fighting” a sport, exactly. I’m envisioning football, baseball, hockey, etc.

Here are some of the lists if you want to peruse them:



Yeah, Julie, cage fighting might not actually be a sport, I’m with you there. And as for other books with sports-type characters, I’ve read the Cora Carmack Rusk series. Those totally count! Super hot football players. And not too much actual football in the plot. Abbi Glines also has some sport-related books, but I haven’t read any of them yet.

I was looking over the lists that Julie posted, and I haven’t read any of those books. Clearly, we here at Chapter Break are not into sports book boyfriends. How about you? 


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Posted January 31, 2016 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 8 Comments


8 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Sports

  1. At first I was going to say I don’t read sports romances but after thinking about it… I do! I adore Cora Carmack’s Rusk University series. Her swoony football players are ultimate book boyfriends (and oh yeah the female characters are great, too LOL). Also, the Game On series by Kristen Callihan. The Hook Up was excellent and I’m excited to continue on with the series.
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  2. Julie

    You know, now that I think about this a little more… I just finished Chameleon (second in the Ripple series) and the characters are cross country runners. And I’m reading one now (Runes) where the main character is on the swim team. So maybe I was overthinking this topic at first.

  3. I enjoyed the Brenna Blixen series by Liz Reinhardt – Brenna is a cross-country runner. And I enjoyed The Perfect Game by Jenn Sterling – the male MC was a baseball player. And I also enjoyed Rush by Nyrae Dawn – one of the MCs played football. I’m sure there are more but these were the first to come to mind. I, obviously, am a sports-in-my-lit fan! 😉
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  4. I read Boy21 last year and the main character was into basketball. I can’t think of any others I’ve read though – unless you consider playing video games a sport, then I’d include Ready Player One and Armada – both by Ernest Cline.