#ShelfLove February 2016: Book Boyfriend

Posted February 1, 2016 by Julie S. in Featured Posts, Shelf Love 2016 / 7 Comments

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#ShelfLove Challenge 2016

We’re co-hosting the #ShelfLove challenge again this year so join us and read more of the books you already bought!

February’s topic: Who is your book boyfriend or girlfriend or best friend? What qualities does this character have that makes him/her the best?

Julie Review Avatar Julie’s Challenge Update:

This one is quite difficult now that I’ve read all these amazing books. My first book boyfriend was Dimitri from the Vampire Academy series. Lynn is working her way through that series now, so she knows why. He’s dreamy, and protective, and fierce. (But let’s not take the movie version into account, OK? Really, the book version.) But then I read the Outlander series, and met Jamie. Wow. Now that is a book boyfriend. Strong, and cunning, and brilliantly brave. I could go on and list all the book boyfriends I’ve had over the years, but let’s just stop at two with the qualities mentioned.



Lynnpic Lynn’s Challenge Update:

Julie is so right about Dimitri and Jamie. I don’t think a reader could go wrong with either of them for book boyfriends.

In addition, I’d say Joscelin from the Phedre’s Triology. It’s really difficult to sum up the plot of these fantasy books in a few short sentances. I’ll leave it at Joscelin is a warrior monk who has taken a vow of celibacy. He is sworn to protect and serve a courtesan spy. Definitely the strong, silent, warrior type, Joscelin breaks my heart with his loving tenderness. Another warrior book boyfriend is Akiva from the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series. Who wouldn’t fall for the angel trying to avenge the death of his true love. Plus, he has wings!

I’m just now realizing all four of these book boyfriends are warriors. I must have a type. And I’m not ashamed. 

As for my Shelf Love update, I used a bunch of Audible credits at the end of December to purchase some books, 2 of which I listened to in January. Plus, I just finished an audio I downloaded over the summer from Audiosync. Woot! That’s three books towards my challenge! I did buy Confess for our February read along. But with the changes to our challenge, I’m feeling no guilt about that. My completed shelf is below: 

How is everyone else doing on their challenges?

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Posted February 1, 2016 by Julie S. in Featured Posts, Shelf Love 2016 / 7 Comments


7 responses to “#ShelfLove February 2016: Book Boyfriend

  1. Ahh, Dimitri. Yes, he is a great book boyfriend. 😉 I’ve not met Jamie yet but I plan to this year. Ooh, and I’m planning to meet Akiva as well. I think my list will prove I’m all over the place when it comes to book boyfriends…but that’s part of the fun of reading, right?? “Meeting” book boyfriends to satisfy all your requirements and not having to choose just one?!?
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