Read Along: Confess by Colleen Hoover Chapters 1-6 #CBConfess

Posted February 6, 2016 by Lynn in Read Along with Chapter Break / 5 Comments


Chapter Break is doing a Read Along! During the month of February, join us as we read Confess by Colleen Hoover.


Each Saturday in February, we’ll post our thoughts on the current chapters. Today we are talking about Chapters 1-6. If you want to keep up with the read along, the rest of the schedule is below.

Reminder: We’re chatting on Twitter today! Use #CBConfess and chat with us at 1 PM Pacific / 3 PM Central / 4 PM Eastern Time. Can’t make the chat? That’s fine too, just tweet your thoughts using the #CBConfess hashtag and we’ll catch up with you outside the chat.

Julie Review Avatar Julie: (Julie’s thoughts are in purple)        LynnpicLynn:  (Lynn’s thoughts are in blue)
The Prologue broke my heart already. Way to go CoHo, start us off with a broken heart. I read Julie’s post by accident before reading the Prologue, so I was a bit more prepared. But Adam’s mother Lydia can go take a long leap off a short pier. 

OMG – love that, so funny and I definitely didn’t catch on until it was already revealed. And they both have the same middle name, kinda silly. I didn’t get why that was such a big deal to Owen. Yeah, I didn’t catch that either! I blame being spelling challenged on that one. 

Also, any predictions on what is up with Owen’s stalkery nature and already knowing Auburn, but she doesn’t know him? Creepy a bit, but I guess it has something to do with his secret. But I guess we’ll have to wait until further into the book to get to that. I can’t think of any reason why he knows her, since he wasn’t part of her previous life with the sick boyfriend. At first, I thought that Owen was really Auburn’s first boyfriend, Adam. But then, when I realized that Owen and Auburn had never “spoken” that was clearly not it. Now I’m wondering if the art is a connection, especially given that Auburn has a picture painted by Adam as one of her few possessions. 

Auburn, I like her so far. She’s just doing her best to stay afloat though I don’t understand why she didn’t return to Portland, especially since she was being made to do that according to the prologue. Guess that’s another secret the book isn’t going to release right away. I like Auburn, too. I do question anyone who would just start working for a total stranger without any information about him. Seems a little sketchy to me. I guess Owen did promise not to “torture, rape, or kill” her. 

I like Owen’s art and how it is based on people’s confessions. I think that is really clever and meaningful. I also like how this paperback book includes the artwork. Hurray for my first paperback in forever and getting to enjoy the special things the audiobook would certainly not have. The ebook has the art, too. I was going to ask if you were reading or listening. Clearly, this is a read, not listen, kind of book. And now CoHo has introduced us not only to a musician (See Griffin Peterson of Maybe Someday), but also artist Danny O’Conner

Also, slow dancing? Yea that’s an awesome way to flirt!    🙂

OK so what is up with Trey, why is he the “brother-in-law” and why is he checking up on Auburn? He seems sketchy. Super-sketchy. And why is Auburn checking in with Lydia, I guess we’ll call her the “mother-in-law”?

Emory, what a weirdly cool name. Does the roommate even know what all is going on with Auburn? I don’t know about this one, Julie. What kind of roommate pretends to not be home while the first roommate is flirting with a new boy? 

Also, WTF just happened with Owen? Possession? What? Oh, this is a bad chapter to stop on. Although, being the kind of artist that he is, I can definitely believe a drug problem. Guess we’ll find out more for next week’s chat.

Please excuse me while I go read ahead…  Ditto! Hopefully, we’ll see some of you over on Twitter!





Confess Read Along Schedule:

February 6: Read and discuss chapters 1 – 6. Twitter chat with us at 3 pm Central. 
February 13: Read and discuss chapters 7 – 12.   
February 20: Read and discuss chapters 13-18.  
February 27: Read and discuss chapters 19 – 24. Wrap up and review

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Posted February 6, 2016 by Lynn in Read Along with Chapter Break / 5 Comments


5 responses to “Read Along: Confess by Colleen Hoover Chapters 1-6 #CBConfess

  1. I read this one last year so I’m not part of the read along but I’m still jumping in here. LOL I remember sobbing thru the prologue and thinking “who else but Colleen Hoover could reduce me to tears within the first few pages?” Killed me. I had weird vibes about Trey early on but couldn’t pinpoint any one thing. It wasn’t easy to tell what the situation was between he and Auburn but something did seem off. I had so many theories about Owen and who he really was. And I was totally thinking that Owen was somehow Adam for a while. LOL I loved the artwork so much. I even ordered three of the prints, framed them, and have them hanging right above my CoHo shelf. 🙂 Can’t wait to read your thoughts as the read along continues!
    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books recently posted…The Literary Dinner Party Book Tag

    • Julie

      Glad you’re joining in the chatter even if you didn’t re-read with us 🙂 Ooh that’s awesome that you ordered some prints. Now that’s taking reading to a new level 🙂

  2. As y’all know, I was crying in the prologue as well. Lynn, I’m with you on Lydia and the short pier. What a piece of work!
    I laughed and laughed at OMG. That was funny!
    Lynn, I don’t know why but I was also thinking Owen was Adam. I have an idea about the connection but I’ll let y’all know later if I’m right.
    I really like Auburn too. I don’t understand why she’s back in Dallas – yet – and I felt she took the job for Owen because it seemed serendipitous that she needed a job and happened to be in the right place at the right time. You know? I’m really curious about Owen’s thoughts on Auburn’s appearance being fate, along with them having the same middle name. 🙂
    I, too, love that the art work is included in the book. It’s really neat that CoHo is sharing art of all sorts, and passions of her’s (?) in her books. I got to see Griffin Peterson perform at a conference in 2014…CoHo arranged that. He’s fantastic! But I digress… This is absolutely a book that needs to be read and I’m happy I have the paperback.
    That dancing scene was amazing!
    I get her calling Trey her brother-in-law for lack of a better term. I mean, she doesn’t want to go around referring to him as “my dead boyfriend’s brother”. But he is kinda sketchy…Auburn’s comment about him feeling comfortable enough to tuck her hair behind her ear when that clearly made her UNcomfortable set off my ick-radar.
    Emory’s name is fitting for the type person she is, isn’t it? She is definitely a little different. I don’t think she knows what all is going on with Auburn, but that’s just my feeling. I guess we shall see.
    I don’t get the possession either…or where he got it! :/ That was kinda shocking. And I admit to having read ahead a bit but still am clueless. Seriously though, ladies, CoHo makes it difficult to read in chunks. I just want to keep reading and reading.

    Thanks for hosting a read-along and getting this book down off my shelf! I’m loving it!! 😀
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    • Lynn

      Wow – Brandee – that’s a lot of thoughts! I will say just I read the chapter about why Auburn has moved back to Texas and it’s a doozy. And you are right, CoHo does make it difficult to read in chunks. We might rethink that for next time!