Read Along: Confess by Colleen Hoover Chapters 7-12 #CBConfess

Posted February 13, 2016 by Lynn in Read Along with Chapter Break / 2 Comments


Chapter Break is doing a Read Along! During the month of February, join us as we read Confess by Colleen Hoover.


Each Saturday in February, we’ll post our thoughts on the current chapters. Today we are talking about Chapters 7-12. If you want to keep up with the read along, the rest of the schedule is below.


Julie Review Avatar Julie: (Julie’s thoughts are in purple)   LynnpicLynn: (Lynn’s thoughts are in blue)

*Reminder that this post will contain spoilers *

OK so CoHo is good with breaking hearts and making me feel things. There were some happy scenes before everything went to heck and back. I loved the scene at Target, where Owen has Auburn pick an aisle number and shelf number for her birthday present. And that Owen used to do the same thing with his family when he was younger gives me some hope for a future relationship between Owen and his father. 

But seriously, first we get confusing who knows what is happening. Is Owen moving away? Is he maybe going to rehab? Oh, jail. wow. That’s gotta be problematic for their relationship. (Very problematic!) And I’m sad for Owen’s history of losing his mom and brother, so I can definitely understand why his relationship with his Dad is strained, but I know there has to be more to the story. Owen doesn’t seem like he is a user. So, possession, he was holding for someone maybe? Helping a friend, covering for a friend? We’ve learned all of these secrets – but are they the true “secret” Owen is keeping from Auburn? Somehow, I don’t think so. 

And OMG Lydia is a total bitch. And this is where my heart was breaking because as a mom, I can’t imagine how Auburn is handling this situation. Not having custody of her own child, and having that awful “mother in law” figure dangle him out in front of her like that. Lydia is horrible. I’m hoping that Auburn grows some back-bone and starts fighting her. Yes, I totally get that Lydia has custody of the child. But she’s definitely using Adam’s son as a replacement. 

Then there’s the “brother-in-law” Trey. Who is a douche. And why does he check in on her all the time? Keeping tabs to tell Lydia every time she doesn’t do something just right? Helping mommy dearest keep her queen bitch status? And wanting to get together with Auburn? That’s ten more shades of crazy. And even more so that Auburn is considering it, if only to be closer to her son.

After chapters 7-12, I have a new guess as to how Owen knows Auburn . I’ll keep that as my own secret for now!

Well at least Auburn knows what is going on now, sort of. I wonder how they’ll fix this problem. Guess I’ll have to keep reading. Definitely. 



Confess Read Along Schedule:

February 6: Read and discuss chapters 1 – 6. Twitter chat with us at 3 pm Central.
February 13: Read and discuss chapters 7 – 12.
February 20: Read and discuss chapters 13-18.
February 27: Read and discuss chapters 19 – 24. Wrap up and review

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Posted February 13, 2016 by Lynn in Read Along with Chapter Break / 2 Comments


2 responses to “Read Along: Confess by Colleen Hoover Chapters 7-12 #CBConfess

  1. Lynn

    good points, Brandee. And yes,I never thought about why Auburn’s parents didn’t try to help her out at the beginning. Yes, she has lots of siblings. But that’s no excuse, really.

  2. CoHo is definitely one who *always* brings the feels! I knew I was in for a ride when I was crying in the prologue. 😉 I loved the scene at Target as well – that Owen would share a treasured memory of his childhood with Auburn. That was really powerful since he was hiding so much else.

    Yep, we could a little sneak of a peak into things but in no way a full reveal. I *know* there’s more to Owen’s story, and I too have my suspicions as to what the story is.

    Lydia *IS* a total bitch. You know when Auburn was upset that Lydia didn’t show up for her birthday? Once Auburn’s ‘secret’ was revealed, that scene *really* hit hard. She absolutely is using Auburn’s son as a replacement and punishing Auburn as well…and Auburn didn’t do anything but love Adam. I can’t imagine, as a mom, not having custody of my child. I understand that Auburn was young and under duress, and did what she thought was best at the time. At her age, I might’ve done the same thing. But someone – hello Auburn’s parents???? – should have helped guide her through that.

    Trey is just creepy!! I got the heebie-jeebies from the first time we met him. You can tell how uncomfortable he makes Auburn and it was so, so sad that Auburn would consider anything with him solely in order to be with her son. It’s a terrible situation to be in – and not fair to Auburn at all.

    I have a theory on how Owen knows Auburn as well at this point. We’ll see if I’m right. I’m eager to see how everything shakes out.