Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Plot Summary: Five sisters in 19th century England must deal with the idea of marrying wealthy businessmen, as well as protecting themselves from a growing population of savage zombies.
Starring: Lily James, Sam Riley, Bella Heathcote, and Douglas Booth
Directed by: Burr Steers
Info from imdb
I have been anxiously awaiting this movie! I really loved the book. And the movie has a former Doctor! Plus, Lily James, who has been killing it lately in all sorts of movies and TV shows. Plus, ZOMBIES and sword fighting. And Darcy. Let’s see how the book and movie line up!
It’s been ages since I read P&P&Z – probably since it was originally released. I thought I’d reread it before seeing the movie. But that totally didn’t happen. So I skimmed it for the good scenes!
What originally stood out for me was that this was the first of the whole “Smash-up” genre that I read. It’s well written, with a seamless integration between the Austin and the Grahame-Smith lines. Like the very first line of the book:
From Austin: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.
From Grahame-Smith: It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of brains must be in want of more brains.
This book has all of the aspects of Austin that we know and love. Mrs. Bennett is still trying to marry off her daughters. Mr. Collins is still a twit. Mr. Darcy is still proud. Lizzy is still prejudice. The flame between Darcy and Lizzy is still slow to grow. But there is the added factor of adventure. The zombies add something that I didn’t realize was missing – some action! Plus, there are drawings. Sometimes, I feel like more “adult” books should have drawings.
If you like Austin, and you like zombies, you should totally check out this book!
Overall book rating:
I totally loved everything about the movie. The casting. The action. The costumes. Who else but the Bennett sisters could fight off a pack of zombies in gorgeous dresses and gloves without getting a hint of blood on themselves!
One of my favorite scenes in the whole movie is when Darcy proposes to Lizzy. In this iteration, Lizzy defends her honor from the poor proposal by attacking Darcy. The movie gets 6 stars for this scene alone! Foreplay in the form of a sparring match!
My other favorite scene was of Lizzy dancing with Mr. Collins. We all know that Matt Smith is all limbs. But to seem him dancing. The entire theater was laughing at that scene.
Overall, you should totally see this movie! Even if you haven’t read the book. If you are a fan of Austin. If you are a fan of love stories. If you are a fan of zombies. It has everything I look for in a movie. Humor. Romance. Sword-fighting. Handsome, square-jawed actors. Strong-willed female characters. Plus Matt Smith.
Overall movie rating:
I think in this case, both the book and the movie are really good. I could recommend either. But the chances are higher that I’d rewatch the movie before I reread the book. That in itself is an excellent recommendation for the movie!
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I’m planning on taking my girls to see this, Lynn. I read the book, back when it released, as well and I enjoyed it even if I’m not exactly a fan of zombies. I felt Grahame-Smith did a good job in keeping true to the characters…there were only a few times where I thought “Lizzy would *never* do that”. I’m even more excited for the movie now! 😀
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…Review ~ Hunting Ground ~ Patricia Briggs
Thanks, Brandee! And I probably know exactly which scenes you are talking about!
Well… I haven’t read the book, and now I’m facing pressure from the family to see the movie. Honestly, I think poor Jane Austen is turning in her grave … and yet, I’ll probably end up seeing the movie due to hubs + son ganging up on me. Helps to know that it doesn’t suck, thanks 🙂
Ramona recently posted…Plagiarism Vs. Inspiration
Don’t take it too seriously, Ramona, and just have fun!
Awesome post! I have not read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Even though I love zombies, I just wasn’t sure if I wanted to read it or not. But seeing the trailer actually made me want to see the movie. And of course, I have to read the book before watching the movie. I think I may read it.
Cynthia @ Bingeing On Books recently posted…Beyond The Books #2
Go for it, Cynthia. It’s a fun romp. Especially if you are a fan of Austen. AND Zombies!
I haven’t read this book, but I might just skip straight to the movie. This review supports that decision, I think. 🙂
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Can Book Blogging Lead to a Job? Let’s Discuss!
I’d have to agree with you Nicole. Just skip straight to the movie!