Read Along: Confess by Colleen Hoover Chapters 13-18 #CBConfess

Posted February 20, 2016 by Lynn in Read Along with Chapter Break / 2 Comments


Chapter Break is doing a Read Along! During the month of February, join us as we read Confess by Colleen Hoover.


Each Saturday in February, we’ll post our thoughts on the current chapters. Today we are talking about Chapters 13-18. If you want to keep up with the read along, the rest of the schedule is below.

Julie Review Avatar Julie: (Julie’s thoughts are in purple)    LynnpicLynn: (Lynn’s thoughts are in blue)

*Reminder that this post will contain spoilers *

Ugh I hate Lydia, hate watching her dangle the little boy in front of Auburn like that. I hate Trey even more for that ultimatum. Does he really think Auburn is going to be happy with him or is he really thinking over time she’ll come around? He’s just gross and I so don’t trust that his feelings are real. Also, she was with his brother! Isn’t that just kinda weird? I, too, hate both Trey and Lydia. But I also kind of hate Auburn for acquiescing to both of them. I totally understand Auburn wanting to be closer to her son. I don’t understand how she goes about that. 

I love that Owen trusted Auburn to watch Owen-cat. Or maybe that was his way of making sure he would get back into her life when his time is done. Either way, that was a good move on his part. I love Owen-cat. I think everyone should name cats after themselves, independent of gender.

The arrest. UGH. I can’t believe this! Owen’s Dad needs someone to beat some sense into him. Owen, well he’s just being too good here. He shouldn’t have taken the fall. Maybe getting arrested would have helped his Dad’s addiction because he would have been forced into rehab. He made his bed! I agree here. Owen’s dad really needs to get his act together. I understand why Owen took the blame. But I do wish his father would have just stood up and said something. But at least now we know why Owen didn’t need rehab. 

But seriously, never ever give the police permission to search you or your vehicle. It is your right people!

Ok I don’t understand what “meat dress” means. Did I miss something? Meat Dress is the safe word Emory made Auburn say that first night!  OH yea. This is why I shouldn’t take breaks in reading a book.

Moving on, that scene when Owen goes to check in on his Dad was awful. But really, did Owen expect anything different? That chapter was hard to read because it reminds me a lot of a family member. Pain pill addiction is a serious thing. Totally awful. 

Then we have the other scene. The one where Auburn does the wrong thing. The one where she does something very out of character and pisses me off. So much is at stake here and she just gives in anyway? This can’t end well. There’s no way Trey isn’t going to find out and blow up! Oh yeah, I totally know which scene we are talking about here! This scene was a breaking point for me, as well!

Oh wait, sounds like maybe he already did. Man, some bad stuff is about to happen I just know it. I need a break from this book, it is hurting my heart. These last 6 chapters were rough on me, as well. I took a week break between chapter 17 and 18. There is A LOT of emotions going down in these 6 chapters!. 


Confess Read Along Schedule:

February 6: Read and discuss chapters 1 – 6. Twitter chat with us at 3 pm Central.
February 13: Read and discuss chapters 7 – 12.
February 20: Read and discuss chapters 13 – 18.
February 27: Read and discuss chapters 19 – 24. Wrap up and review.

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Posted February 20, 2016 by Lynn in Read Along with Chapter Break / 2 Comments


2 responses to “Read Along: Confess by Colleen Hoover Chapters 13-18 #CBConfess

  1. Lydia and Trey are despicable human beings. We know Lydia wasn’t all the good to start with as seen in her treatment of Auburn in the prologue. I’m sure losing a child only made her worse. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say Trey was a bad seed from the beginning. Even losing a brother wouldn’t make you behave so morally reprehensibly. (IMO)

    Owen-cat rocked! I didn’t think about it being Owen’s way of making sure he could stay in Auburn’s life but that might have been part of his plan. I just loved the fact that he showed her he trusted her enough to take care of his cat.

    I was upset by Owen’s actions during the arrest. Yes, clearly he needs someone to beat some sense into him. But at the same time, I understood him. I understand the need to take care of someone to that degree. And I was also hoping, as I figured Owen was, that it’d wake his dad up – that the thought of losing Owen would be the breaking point for him. Addiction doesn’t work that way though, does it?

    LOL Meat dress! Emory was something else! 😀

    Ah yes, when Auburn behaves out of character…when she, dare I say, acts her age even with so much on the line. I was scared for her. Who knew what was going to happen? But I didn’t figure it’d be good. And this, ladies, is why I couldn’t stop reading. 😉 So I put on my big-girl panties and soldiered on…with my box of tissues by my side. But I’ll save the rest of the discussion for next week. 🙂

    I’m sorry I’ve been late in commenting. My kids have a lot going on with their musical activities/competitions and my oldest having to make a decision on college. Busy, emotional, full weeks lately…Julie, you know *they* say that kids need us less as they get older? *They* lie! Just thought I’d let you in on that now. 😉
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    • Julie

      You’re right that Trey must have been a bad seed all along. It is sad when the good ones get ill but the evil ones continue to live their evil lives.


      I figured “they” lied. I can’t see the little dude ever not needing something or other from me hah.