We are starting a new feature for 2016. Monthly Book Bingo! Play along with us!
Here are the rules:
Each month we will upload a new bingo card. You download the bingo card and mark off squares as you read books each month. At the end of the month, we will post our own bingo cards. Link up your post or post your own bingo card in the comments.
The monthly winner will be the person with the most marked squares. None of that across, diagonal, up and down, corners stuff. Just the number of squares. Be sure to include the books you’ve read for each of the squares. Only books read during the current month count. You may use the same book to fill multiple squares. We’ll announce the winner the following month to allow everyone time to link up their posts.
And to encourage more people than Julie and I to participate, we are going to have a quarterly raffle! So download your Bookish Bingo card now and get started!
March Bookish Bingo
Click on the card to download in a new window (or right click here and save-as).
Mark up the card however you wish to claim the squares.
Here’s a recap for clarity (with specific dates for example):
Feb 28 – Julie and I will post our February completed bingo cards. You can link up your bingo cards in this post. We will also be posting the January winner of the most squares in this post.
Mar 2 – new bingo card available
Mar 30 – Julie and I will post our March completed bingo cards. You can link up your bingo cards in this post. We will also be posting the February winner of the most squares in the post.
Apr 2 – new bingo card available
Apr 30 – Julie and I will post our April completed bingo cards. You can link up your bingo cards in this post. We will also be posting the March winner of the most squares in the post. AND we will be drawing the first quarter raffle winner.
May 3 – new bingo card available
May 31 – Julie and I will post our April completed bingo cards. You can link up your bingo cards in this post. We will also be posting the March winner of the most squares in the post. AND we will be drawing the first quarter raffle winner.
June 2 – new bingo card available
And so on and so forth.
Questions? Comments? Let’s do this!
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I left a comment a couple of weeks ago but it still hasn’t shown up here – I still can not print your Bingo card.
The way it is set up this month, with the little pop-up window, won’t print from my computer – it just tries to print your entire blog.
Can you try another approach?
However you did it in February worked fine. I’d love to participate again.
Book By Book
I’m sorry to hear the image isn’t saving properly. Just copy and paste this and download the image. https://chapterbreak.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Bingo-Mar.jpg
That worked! Thanks!! Glad I can participate again 🙂
Just a couple of questions – both Feb & March’s card included a square for “Shelf-Love Book.” What does this mean?
And March’s card has the word “Trope” in one square. A trope if a literary device or figure of speech, so all books have some sort of trope(s). Can you explain what you meant by this square?
As you can see, I am getting into it!
Sue at Book By Book recently posted…TV Tuesday: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Glat it worked Sue 🙂 Shelf Love is a challenge we are running, to give our shelves love and read the books already on our shelves. So any book you already own and haven’t read yet can fit the “Shelf Love” square. The trope, I think we’re looking for those overused common tropes – like love triangles, or absent parents in a YA, or the nobody communicates trope. Something like that. You can really spin that any way you like, just state what trope you’re using to claim the square 🙂
Sue at Book By Book recently posted…Fiction Review: The Rosie Effect
I can’t figure out how to download the card. When I click, I’m just getting a pop-up screen of the card with no option for download that I can find. What am I doing wrong??? 🙂 Thanks for being a part of the Booknificent Thursday reading community this week!
Tina at Mommynificent recently posted…Booknificent Thursday Link Up Party #138
Let me check on that. You should also be able to right click on the image and download it.
Were you able to save a copy of the bingo card?
This is such a neat idea! Would be super fun with book clubs as well.
We do encourage our fellow book club friends to read our blog hehe
I’m not going to get far this month, but bring it on!
Xxertz recently posted…Chapter Break Bingo (Feb/Mar)
New subscriber from Booknificent Thursday at Mommynificent.
I love your blog’s background. I also cannot resist a reading challenge. So I downloaded the Bingo card. :O)
Thanks, LuAnn. And welcome aboard and good luck!
Ooh you’ve got some tough ones in the corners, Ireland and finishing a series. I’ve read In the Woods by Tana French which describes Ireland and it’s beauty and creepy woods (where a disappearance took place) well. Finishing a series always eludes me too, Harry Potter and Hunger Games are the only ones I’ve finished but I’ve started many more!
Thanks, Tanya. And we have to have some challenging squares!