Chat Between Chapters: Favorite Blue Covers

Posted March 6, 2016 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 5 Comments


 For Dress In Blue Day we decided to talk about some of our favorite blue covers. What are some of your favorite books dressed in blue?

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

I tend to really be attracted to beautifully dressed books. A book with swirly-whirly ethereal feel, or even a beautiful dress on the cover. This trend is typical in YA so I get to find books with covers I enjoy quite a bit.


Most of the blue covers I’ve seen tend to be the typical dystopian, with a symbol or something techy. These books typically have a blue background.


Maybe one of the more popular books dressed in blue is The Fault in Our Stars. It is simple, crisp, yet very memorable.

TFIOS tile


And we can’t forget this gem, either. There’s some lovely blue on this cover.

WD tile


Goodreads has quite a few lists, such as the Listopia with Books with Blue Covers and Best Books with Blue on the Cover. You should be able to get some inspiration there 🙂



I’m a big fan of blue. Heck, I wear a blue fleece almost every day! There is just something cool and peaceful about blue that draws me in.


Some favorites from my younger years:

Little Prince

Catch 22


And from more recent years:

Outlander tile

Daughter of Smoke and Bone tile

Discovery of Witches

How about you? Do certain colors on covers attract you? Repel you?

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Posted March 6, 2016 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 5 Comments


5 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Favorite Blue Covers

  1. Huh, I’d never thought about blue being a characteristic I was drawn to on a cover but looking at the ones y’all listed, it appears I am! 😉 I have almost every one of those books on my shelves – my physical shelves. 😀
    Bookworm Brandee recently posted…Review ~ Real ~ Katy Evans

    • Julie

      Yea the Discovery of Witches cover is quite eye-catching too. I still need to read the rest of that series.

  2. Blue is one of my favorite colors, but I don’t see a lot of that color on my bookshelf weirdly enough. I’m a fan of earthy tones–browns, blacks and golds–when it comes to covers.