Chat Between Chapters: Alien Abduction Day

Posted March 20, 2016 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 11 Comments


 Let’s chat about aliens. What are some of your favorite alien books? Have you ever been abducted? Kidding.

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

Well, I’ve never been abducted, that I know of. I haven’t read too many alien books, though. The ones I’ve read include:

If you don’t know what 42 is, you nerd card is now revoked. Otherwise, it seems like I’m not very well-read in the aliens genre.

There is a list on Goodreads about Alien Romances that you can check out.



Personally, I refuse to accept that we are alone out there in the giant universe. Though, I am hoping aliens look more like this:


Than this:



I’m a big reader of Sci Fi. I’m pretty sure I’ve never been abducted. But that hasn’t stopped me from reading books about aliens.

In addition to Julie’s list, I’d add:

How about everyone else? Do you believe? 



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Posted March 20, 2016 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 11 Comments


11 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Alien Abduction Day

    • Julie

      LOL I’m sticking to 29 forever, but I might allow myself to be the answer to the universe when that age comes up.

  1. I would like to THINK there are other planets with other life forms out there. XD But I probably wouldn’t bet money on it or anything. 😛 I’ve only read the 5th Wave out of your lists! MY NERDNESS IS SHAMED. XD

    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    • Lynn

      You just haven’t found the right one yet, Stefani! But really, if you aren’t into aliens, that’s ok, too!