Chat Between Chapters: Good/Bad Blogging Habits

Posted April 3, 2016 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 11 Comments


 Share your Blogging Habits, both good and bad

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

I want to say I’m a good blogger. I try to do be organized and get my posts ready well in advance, but it doesn’t always happen. Here are some of my habits, good or bad.

Good blogging habits:

  • Posts are organized and planned out on a particular schedule (we use Asana as a group editorial calendar).
  • Schedule all my posts in advance, to avoid last minute scrambling.
  • Interact with other bloggers – this is one of my favorite things about blogging.

Not so good blogging habits:

  • I don’t always review a book immediately after finishing it, and then I start to forget things, which makes reviewing harder.
  • I’m not so great with managing my time and can get sucked into social media for way too long.
  • ARCs -I used to request ALL THE BOOKS, and then never got around to reading them all. So I have stopped acceptin and requesting review books altogether.

How about you?


Funnily enough, one of the first tips Julie gave me when I started blogging was to ALWAYS review a book before starting the next. Even if it is taking notes which I then convert into a review post, I find it’s easier to get my thoughts out right away, then I can always go back and edit later. Luckily for me, I have Julie to keep me organized and create all the posts I need to fill in with my thoughts. I do enjoy thinking up new topics and features for our blog. Sometimes, we need a break from straight reviews. 

Maybe it’s my self-critical side, but I have an easier time listing my faults as a blogger than my achievements. I’m working on getting better at these:

  • Commenting back. I don’t have as many issues with replying to direct comments. But I’m always forgetting to comment back on the linked up posts.
  • Social media. I honestly haven’t figured out how to manage that at all. The twitter lists have helped. But I would love to have more time to read tweets. Or tumblr posts. 

Any tips on fighting past the bad habits?

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Posted April 3, 2016 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 11 Comments


11 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Good/Bad Blogging Habits

  1. We have about the same blogging habits! I try to interact as much as I can, whether through social media or commenting directly on their blog (I prefer to do the latter). I don’t really have a set schedule (i.e. Mondays are for reviews, Tuesdays are for discussions, etc,.), except for Tuesday which is reserved for Top Ten Tuesday. I do like to have a variety of posts, though, so I try to do something different here and there. As for my bad habits, I think I use Twitter too much, haha! I also forget to review books right after I read them as well. I’m in the spot AFTER I requested so many ARCs, so now I have tons to read.

  2. My blogging habits need improvement. I started doing a task post which helps a bit on accountability so I do better but I sell need to post more regularly and get ahead on some posts. I have cut back on requesting review books though. I now have to read and review 2 to even ask for 1. That has helped. Debating on switching to more a vlog style to add variety. But very camera shy so IDK.

  3. I am now struggling with managing time between reading, commenting, and writing up reviews. I also cannot social media. I leave that to tend to itself for the most part. And I learned the hard way not to request all the books…I’m still paying for it.

    • Lynn

      Too many books, too little time, Charlie. And good for you for leaving the social media to tend itself. That is the best way, if you ask me!

  4. I’ve been a ‘last-minute scrambler’ a lot lately since I can’t find the time with my toddler to sit down and type up more than one post at a time. I’m also way behind on reviews. I have started taking notes for my reviews while reading so that’s a plus but the ‘feelings’ are gone so reviewing is still a little hard if I wait too long.
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