We all have some interesting reading habits. Let’s talk about them, good or bad.
I love talking about how good or bad I am at something. Reading is one of my favorite hobbies, but I’m sure I’ve picked up some bad habits over time. Let’s see what those might be:
Good Reading Habits
- I love to talk about books I read. Book clubs and book blogs FTW!
- I like to own the pretties. Own all the pretties!
- Sometimes I pet books, books are pets right? This counts as a good habit.
- I like to want to be besties with my characters, so I get really into books sometimes when they are awesome. But when they are not awesome and I can’t connect? Done.
- I like to read and curl up with a furry thing.
Bad Reading Habits
- Book hoarding. That’s not a great habit right?
- Sometimes I take long breaks from reading. Not because I wanted to, but life happens and stuff. And then when I return I’m like a ravenous creature and can’t get enough.
- Sometimes I put a book aside because I have to read something else, and then can’t remember anything about where I left off. So I sometimes give up and DNF it because I don’t want to start over and feel too confused starting in the middle.
- I forget most of what I read. So details in a book I read last year? Vague at best. But I can tell you if I liked it.
- Sometimes I fall asleep reading and wake up with a bump on my head…
- TBR mountain of shame.
- If I’m reading multiple books at the same time, or the same genre back to back, sometimes I confuse book details. Did this happen in This book or That book?
Time for more good/bad habits lists!
Bad Reading Habits:
- I tend to ignore everything else if I’m engrossed in a book. Which leads to dinner at 8pm. Or calling in sick to work. <cough> <cough>
- I one click books that I’ll probably never get around to reading. Thankfully, with the Shelf Love challenge, I’ve gotten a lot better at passing up those books.
- I judge books by their cover. And do not feel guilty.
- I judge people by what they read. Or don’t read, for that matter. How can I trust someone who doesn’t like to read?
Good Reading Habits:
- Gifts from me are usually in the form of books. Especially for kids. Sharing my love of books with children makes me very happy.
- I borrow books from the library. I don’t need all the pretties! Well, I want them. I just know I don’t have room for them.
- I’m open to reading pretty much any genre. Sure, I have my favorites like everyone else. But I try to not limit myself to any one genre or author.
What about you? Any good or bad reading habits you want to confess?
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Hey, great share…..
I agree that reading books is one of the best habits one can develop. Books have great significance in humans life.They are the best mode of imparting education since school days for any one of us.
Thanks for sharing this post. Keep sharing more….
Love these! I ignore housework all the time and read instead. Cook? Who needs dinner? Certainly not my family!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…A Completely Useless (but kind of fun) Bookish Infographic
Haha Nicole!! 🙂
I read instead of watching TV most of the time. 🙂 After giving up cable it made it easier to read a lot and I prefer it…better quality, more choices and the author nearly always finishes out a series.
Bad habits…falling asleep while reading. Obsessing (the the point of annoyance of my loved ones) over a single author and/or series.
Terri M. recently posted…Mourning and Celebrating the Undays
I carry a book with me wherever I go. If I don’t have my kindle with me, I will pull up my book on the kindle app on my phone. This is the reason that I love ereaders so much. I understand why people like physical copies, but digital books are so convenient. I don’t read outside of the PNR/UF genre as much as I would like, so I would call that a bad habit. I want to read more suspense, mysteries and horror. I even have a ton on my TBR, but I always seem to pick up the next UF book instead. I’m trying to be better about that.
Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons recently posted…Audiobook Review: Deadly Descendant by Jenna Black (@mlsimmons, @jennablack, @sereads, @tantoraudio)
I agree with you on ereaders, Melanie. It’s great to be able to carry around 100’s of books. Without breaking my back!
I always carry a book with me wherever I go. I read to my son every night, even though he’s old enough to read for himself, lol. As for bad habits, obviously, I buy more books than I can read (but who doesn’t, right? 🙂 If I love a book, I’ll buy the paperback even if I already own it in another format. I stack too many volumes on my bedside table, which is a honest health hazard! LOL 😀 Awesome post!
Ramona recently posted…Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez
Thanks, Ramona. And I’m guilty of the bedside table hazard as well – though for me, it’s the end of my couch!