34 Compelling First Lines of Famous Books [Infographic]

Posted April 18, 2016 by Julie S. in General / 23 Comments

First impressions matter, right? Well, the first line of a book is one way to make (or break) a great first impression. Here’s a fun infographic with 34 Compelling First Lines of Famous Books. Enjoy!

34 Compelling First Lines of Famous Books - Scribendi.com - Infographic

What’s your favorite opening sentence in a book?

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Posted April 18, 2016 by Julie S. in General / 23 Comments


23 responses to “34 Compelling First Lines of Famous Books [Infographic]

  1. David

    So happy to see 4 of my favorite and especially 2 from Douglas Adams. Wish that there was one more, It can hardly be a coincidence that no language on earth has ever produced the expression as pretty as an airport.

  2. The telephone bell was ringing wildly, but without result, since there
    was no-one in the room but the corpse (Charles Williams, “War in Heaven”.

  3. I LOOOOVE this!! It really makes me want to read like, ALL of these! My favorite is The Hunger Games, of course. I also LOVE this opening from Rebel of the Sands: “They said the only folks who belonged in Deadshot after dark were the ones who were up to no good. I wasn’t up to no good. Then again, I wasn’t exactly up to no bad neither.”
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