Allegiant – Movie Review

Posted April 22, 2016 by Lynn in Movie Reviews, Reviews / 16 Comments

allegiant posterDescription: After the earth-shattering revelations of INSURGENT, Tris must escape with Four and go beyond the wall enclosing Chicago. For the first time ever, they will leave the only city and family they have ever known. Once outside, old discoveries are quickly rendered meaningless with the revelation of shocking new truths. Tris and Four must quickly decide who they can trust as a ruthless battle ignites beyond the walls of Chicago which threatens all of humanity. In order to survive, Tris will be forced to make impossible choices about courage, allegiance, sacrifice and love.

Director: Robert Schwentke

Staring: Shailene Woodly, Theo James

Info from imdb.

Our rating: 2-stars


Lynnpic Lynn’s Review:

I read this review of Allegiant, and thought, hey, maybe it won’t be as bad as everyone said. And when Julie mentioned that she was going to the drive in, I thought I’d meet her there and we could see it together. How bad could it really be? Turns out, pretty bad.

I don’t recall much about Allegiant, the book. I liked it ok. Didn’t really love it. Found the “shocking” ending to be rather predictable, giving what we know about the characters. But as I was watching the movie, I kept thinking, that wasn’t in the book. Honestly, the book and movie are two completely separate entities, and probably shouldn’t be compared.

The movie was bad. I had difficulty following the plot. Then it turned out I didn’t really care about the plot. Or the characters. The secondary characters we enjoyed in the first movie (Christina and Uriah, among others) are mostly missing. We are left with Caleb and Peter. Neither one of which is enough to keep me interested. And there was a lot of red. Red scenery. Red clothes. Maybe to differentiate between the usual Dauntless black? Or Tris’s white costumes? I have no idea. Just too much red. The one highlight is Theo James had some excellent fight scenes.

If you are still contemplating watching Allegiant, wait and rent it. Then you can fast-forward through the boring parts. Also, I was the only one of my friends who knew Allegiant was split into two movies. Not that I have any idea why. Or what is going to happen in the next movie. I just wanted to alert everyone!


Julie Review Avatar Julie’s Review:

So, basically, Allegiant is a huge disappointment. Not like the book was, which was disappointing to so many people, to the point of the author getting death threats. But this movie was just all over the place.

It started out with some great visual effects, like we’re used to with the serums and stuff, with them scaling the wall. That was a good scene. But then the plot starts to deviate from the book more and more, and makes ZERO sense. Like the 3 of us watching it together kept looking at each other saying “what?” and “huh?” and “that’s not in the book”.

I don’t remember every detail from the book, but the scenes I remember being so crucial were just glossed over. Those of you who read the book, remember what a HUGE deal the genetic thing was? The pure vs. damaged? That was in the movie alright, but even the trailer gave that away! Then Four just has this two second conversation with Tris about it, like well I’m upset but shrug? No it was a big deal and it needed to have more screen time.

I didn’t know this was a two-parter at first. And whoever thought to split this movie up needs to be fired… from a cannon… or at least from any movie making ever again. Because terrible decision. The next movie is called Ascendant. Who’s ascending? I hope it is this whole movie to a fiery grave because no.

So yea, for those wondering, it doesn’t end like the book. Because it doesn’t end. It doesn’t do anything.

Read my review of the book Allegiant here. It was much better than the movie.

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Posted April 22, 2016 by Lynn in Movie Reviews, Reviews / 16 Comments


16 responses to “Allegiant – Movie Review

  1. I saw this movie about a month ago with some friends. I was excited to see it and wondered if it would be more like the book than the previous two movies. The movie was okay…..but nothing like the book! I was disappointed by this. I asked my friends, “Did the director even read the book??”

  2. I only watched the first movie because it was just so awful to me that I never bothered with the rest. I also had trouble going through the last two books so yeah, it’s sad 🙁

  3. Love your new banner, ladies 🙂 I don’t think the movie was that awful, actually… It was well acted – Theo James has definitely grown into the part of Four, and Shailene Woodley is Shailene Woodley – and superbly paced. It was vastly superior to its predecessors, and therefore a sign of good things to come. By which I mean I decent last movie.
    Ramona recently posted…Man Booker International 2016 Longlist

  4. I talked to one friend’s daughter who was reading the books about the same time that I was. She saw the movie and was confused by the ending.

    I gave up on the movies after the first one. I wasn’t drawn into the movie the same way I was the books and by the end of the 3rd book I was pretty upset. I didn’t like the 3rd book at all! Sounds like the adaptation went off the rails.
    Terri M recently posted…Introducing Vanessa Bogenholm, author | In the Spotlight Interview

    • Lynn

      Loads of people in our book club, including myself, agree with you, Terri, on the third book. That was one of the reasons I was reluctant to see the movie. And it did go off the rails.

  5. I have to agree, I went to see this and was SO disappointed. I’ve only read half the third book and went in knowing it would be a different thing and STILL found it incredibly lame. Which is sad because I thought the first two movies were okay. The whole red wasteland which starts 10 feet away from the city I was like what??? Did we just go to Mars? And the bubble things- sorry. I laughed. So yeah… pretty disappoiting. 🙂
    Greg recently posted…Bookcover Spotlight #45

    • Lynn

      Yeah, the bubble part was pretty hilarious, Greg. In a so sad it’s laughable kind of way!

  6. I haven’t seen it yet, but I’ve heard horrible things about it. I really enjoyed Divergent, and thought it stuck to the book really well but then Insurgent happened. I’m sad to see such an amazing series get destroyed by putting it on film. The books were so good!

    I am one of the few that knew Allegiant was split into two movies. I told my english class that before it came out because no one knew. I really don’t see why there is going to be another movie.

    I hate that series like this get such bad last movies. Like Mockingjay Part 2 was bad and not Allegiant is bad. Hollywood just needs to stop.
    Kayl recently posted…Kinda a Disappointment: Glass Sword

    • Lynn

      Kayl, I think the fact that the movie being splint into two hasn’t been promoted all that much is a sign of even worse things to come.

  7. I have been so disappointed in the Divergent movies anyway, or at least I was very disappointed in the last one. There were way too many crazy special effects. And when I saw the reviews for this one, I knew for sure that I was skipping it. I usually make it a point to watch the movie based on a book I really enjoyed, but I can’t even bear watching them mess it all up.
    Cynthia @ Bingeing On Books recently posted…Beyond The Books #4 – The one where I eat tons of peanut butter by myself

    • Lynn

      Yeah, don’t bother, Cynthia. I don’t even know if I’d bother when it’s out on video.