April was National Poetry Month. So let’s bid April a farewell with a poem. Write us a poem in the comments. Doesn’t have to be fancy-shmancy.
My poem is all the awesome:
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
April was Stormy
Hope May Isn’t Too
I went the haiku route – as haikus are cool.
Because I’m lazy,
I use the internet to
generate haikus
Julie and I both challenge you to comment with a poem for us! And rhyming is always a plus!
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Wow! You guys really set the bar high here. LOL!
Okay, let’s see – a Haiku seems easiest, but I’m totally making this up on the fly, so don’t expect anything too impressive.
The beauty of spring
Swept in by the raging storms
Flowers are blooming
Um, yep – that’s it. 🙂
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys – Five Star Review & Giveaway
That’s really pretty Nicole!!