Beyond the Book and Beyond the Blog
Beyond the traditional form of the novel, what are your favorite alternative forms (graphic novels, audiobooks, webcomics, etc)? Do you have any favorite works within these alternate forms? How do you think the changing format affects the reading experience? Our secondary topic, beyond the blog could focus on the ways you engage in talking about books outside of your blog. Do you participate in book clubs, take classes, meticulously maintain your goodreads profile? Let the world know!
I am not big on graphic novels (honestly, I’ve never given them a try), and webcomics are great, but on occasion. But Audiobooks? Those, I love! LOVE! I pretty much only read via audio these days. My commute is crazy long, and audiobooks bring me sanity, and stories, and make traffic not as horrible as it can be.
As for beyond the blog – I was a book club goer way before I became a book blogger. I’ve always loved books, and loved getting together with fellow wonderful bookworms and chatting about our love of books. It only naturally moved into book blogging after book clubbin’.
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I’ve only read a few graphic novels and didn’t enjoy them as much as I do “normal” books, but I’m definitely willing to try more. I have just recently started listening to audiobooks, though, and I’m loving those. Haven’t really done any book clubs.
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…#BEA16 Day One Wrap-Up & Giveaway!!
Book club is why I started reading again as an adult:)
I normally have a hard time with audiobooks, but they sure are great for long car trips!
Enjoy the rest of Armchair BEA. 🙂
Grace recently posted…#ArmchairBEA Day 3 – To infinity, and beyond!
Thanks, Grace. And yes, I started out with audio books on a road trip!
Yes, definitely great for long car rides!