Surviving Fictional Worlds
Today we’ll talk about surviving fictional worlds. We all know that sometimes, the worlds we love in fiction can be dangerous. Which fictional worlds would you want to live in? Which worlds do you never want to dive into? Which worlds are you content to stay behind the glass, so to speak, rather than wishing to dive through the page? And once you get there, what would you do?
Some of our favorite stories are set in the kind of world we are very happy that we are separated from by the pages. I don’t want to be in a world like The Hunger Games, for example, but I love reading books set in those worlds and following my characters as they struggle and overcome their scary situation. Though, I wouldn’t mind hanging out in the Harry Potter world, you know, after the hero saves the day 🙂
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Like you guys, I LOVE reading books set in dystopian worlds, but of course I wouldn’t want to live in any of them! 🙂
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 5/22/16
Yea I think living in them wouldn’t be half as fun as reading them 😉
Most YA novels that I’ve read are set in worlds that I don’t think I’d survive.
Grace recently posted…#ArmchairBEA Day 4 & 5: Surviving Fictional Worlds and Wrap-Up
I’m with you on that!
Book Bloggers are great because …
They are community focused, like-minded (bookish) even when reading tastes don’t necessarily agree, and amazingly helpful to one another in areas where knowledge or know-how might be lacking.
I agree completely. Bloggers realize that not all readers have the same taste in books. But we are ok with that!
I did put a historical novel on my list but I mostly stuck with present day real places.
I think I’d be ok with VISITING historical novels. For a very short amount of time, Donna!
Book bloggers rock because we always have something to talk about ?
Very true, Christine. Julie and I both can always talk about books!
I think one of the reasons book bloggers are so important is because many of us shed light on otherwise unpopular books, which helps the authors as well as our blogs.
I agree, Ariel. I think bloggers are great at spreading the world about unknown books.
I think I would prefer to go to Hogwarts. It’s the first world I fantasized about as a teenager.
Penni @ Penni’s Perceptions recently posted…Once Upon A Cruise…
I didn’t read these books til I was adult. But yes, I fantasied about attending Hogwarts even then, Penni!
We rock b/c we dedicate ourselves to championing authors and stories.
I agree, Meaghan!
Book bloggers rock because of the community (I’d be seriously lonely without ya’ll), the great articles, and of course the giveaways. We all need an extra way to support our book habits and authors afterall 🙂
Very true, Brooke. On all points!
I’d love to live in the wizarding world too. Just imagining exploring Diagon Alley leaves me feeling so excited.
Me, too, Haleyy! That would be some interesting shopping!
I picked Hogwarts as somewhere I’d like to explore but not necessarily go to school at.
I can totally understand that, Kristina!
Awesome post.
I mentioned not wanting to live in the Hunger Games too. 🙂
Great giveaway. Very clever. Thanks.
Elizabeth recently posted…ARMCHAIR BEA DAY 4
Yeah, Elizabeth. I don’t have much in the way of survival skills. Unless there is a book out there to read!