Chat Between Chapters: Spend the Night in a Bookstore

Posted June 26, 2016 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 18 Comments


 What would you do if you had to spend the night in a bookstore?

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

Oh my what a fun topic! What would I do if I accidentally got locked in a bookstore overnight? Well, and provided that someone else had my kid safely, right? So I could actually enjoy the time in the bookstore, rather than being yelled at all night? Ok. Let’s DO THIS!

First, I would make a huge pot of coffee because there will be NOSLEEP tonight. Then I would go hug all the pretties and pat their covers and read their blurbs and make a pile of books that have to be loved. Then I might actually pick one, and Read. All. Night.

And then I would probably fall asleep at some point because seriously when was the last time I pulled a true all-nighter? College? I’m too old for this. Or too Mom for this. Whatever. Hopefully I would fall asleep on a cozy couch corner and not face first flat into a shelf.



I’m pretty sure being locked in a book store all night would be totally awesome! With the caveat that it needs to be one of those book stores with a cafe inside. I’m definitely going to need snacks and caffeine to get through all that reading.

Julie has the correct idea with the hugging, reading, and piling of all the books to read. But I think I would start with some music and a major dance party throughout the aisles.

dance party

I’m not really sure how many books I could read in one night, but I think I could put a serious dent in a bunch of different books. Reading the first couple of chapters to find the book that calls to me first. Then, once the perfect book has been found, power reading would commence.


How about you? How would you spend a night locked in a book store?

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Posted June 26, 2016 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 18 Comments


18 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Spend the Night in a Bookstore

  1. I love your Breakfast Club gif! I’ve never liked the taste of coffee which is a shame because it usually smells so good to me. And sadly, caffeine doesn’t work for me, so there’s no point in me ever drinking coffee. So I would grab tea and snacks after petting picking the shortest book pretty I could find. I don’t read fast so a novella would be the way to go for me. Plus, that means I wouldn’t have to feel guilty about petty all those pretties first before starting my all night reading session. Great post, ladies!

  2. Hmmm … I think I’m the only bookish person in the world who doesn’t think being locked in a bookstore all night would be all that fabulous. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it sounds kind of fun until I really think about it. Then I start to think, “How is this different than my everyday life? I’m already surrounded by way more books than I can read. And I often read until way too late so I can finish my book – but I have a comfy bed to lay in while I do it.” I actually think I like my bedroom more! LOL!

  3. Spending the night in a bookstore would be an absolute DREAM!!! I would read the blurb of every single book I could get my hands on and READ, READ, READ!! Oh and chocolate would be essential for this process.
    Cynthia @ Bingeing On Books recently posted…June Wrap-Up

    • Julie

      There’s a chance I would do nothing but read all the blurbs and be indecisive haha

      • That’s always a danger, Julie! And I understand what you mean, Nicole. I used to never get new books either from the bookstore or from the library until I had finished them all. That all changed when I made the transition to digital e-book reading and started following authors online and book bloggers. Now I hoard books that I know I’ll could only read before I die if I never got insomnia again (I have it chronically, ugh!) and won the lottery so I could afford to do nothing but read and attend book events. Since neither of those are that likely, I’ve started accept that hoarding books has become therapeutic for me. I want to support ALL the authors whose books whisper “touch me, read me please” so my hoarding is my way of attempting to do so. Reading romance novels has been so rewarding for me, that it’s a small price to pay for all that escapism and vicarious living. =)

  4. Oooh…what an enticing thought! A dream come true! Hopefully, it would be one of those bookstores with cozy furniture all around 🙂 I’m kind of a monogamous one-book-at-a-time girl, though, so I don’t think I’d read too many in one night – maybe plow through some graphic novels & middle-grade novels for fun!

    Could I just live in a bookstore??


    2016 Big Book Summer Challenge
    Sue at Book By Book recently posted…Saturday Snapshot 7/2: Shenandoah National Park, 2004 – 2015

    • Julie

      Yes on the cozy furniture! That would totally make the experience even better 🙂

  5. That’s a dream come true! 😀

    Oooh, I will pretty much do the same thing as you guys, although, first I will make sure the place is secured and turn on soft music so that there’s background noise. I’m a paranoid person, and I’m also a scaredy-cat.

    Then, I’ll make this sounds, my sister call it the alien sound, where I squeal loudly + my weird laugh. I will then proceed going to the YA aisle, and caress all the lovely books, and when I found the books on my priority list, Ill pick them up and smell them because I love the smell of new books.

    I’ll probably bring all the books I want to read to a comfortable corner, and pull an all-nighter to read everything. I will probably need tea and snacks to keep me awake. xD

  6. This would be so much fun. I would definetly walk through all the aisles to look at the books and add to my TBR. Then I would read as many books as I could since I wouldn’t have to buy them to read them.

    • Lynn

      I was thinking about the buying situation, too, Rachael. At least while you are there, you wouldn’t have to pay!

  7. I’d have a readathon – and change positions frequently within the stacks of the library. I’d need a comfy blankie, tea – and maybe some snacks.