Chat Between Chapters: Stay Out in the Sun Day

Posted July 3, 2016 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 3 Comments


  Have you heard of Stay Out in the Sun Day?

Let’s chat about books and the sun. Are there books with a Sun on the cover or in the title that are memorable? Or maybe just a sunny, bright cover? 

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

Did you know that there is absolutely nothing that Goodreads doesn’t have a list for? Yea, double negative baby. I just found this gem of a list of books that are “sun-kissed”. I mean, is that not perfect for our topic?

Some that we have read lately include The Serpent King and The 5th Wave.

There are some on my TBR, too. Such as I’ll Give You The Sun, which is a SYNC audiobook that is waiting for me on my phone.

I also added one for a new book I’m listening to as a review copy, The Kingdom of Oceana.

I can’t think of others, do you have any sun-kissed or “stay out in the sun” book covers to add?

I’ m sure if I wanted to explore the sunny and bright covers in general we could be here all day. But I’d rather spend time with family this holiday weekend 😉



Good Reads DOES have a list for everything! It would have never occurred to me to look for a list of books with suns on the cover. Great job with that, Julie!

I have I’ll Give You The Sun on my TBR list as well (got to love those free Sync books!). And I approve of the cover of City of Bones and Shadow of Night. And I’m sure there are loads of romance books with suns on the cover, like this or this.

And if you plan on reading any of these or other sunny books outside this summer, make sure to wear sunscreen!

Have a happy 4th of July, everyone! 


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Posted July 3, 2016 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 3 Comments


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