Chat Between Chapters: World Kiss Day

Posted July 10, 2016 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 10 Comments


For World Kiss Day, let’s chat about first kisses in books.

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

Goodreads has this awesome list, for best first kiss scenes. Yes, let’s just add all these books to the good ole to-read list.

I feel like there are quite a few that could use a re-read, at least for that kiss scene. ‘Cause there’s a lot I just don’t remember anymore. Some of my favorite couples are in that list, but I can’t remember their first kiss. Hmm.

My favorite that I do remember? Hopeless, definitely. The best first kiss, non-kiss, scene ever.



Yet another great Goodsreads list! But it’s weird to me that City of Bones is at the top of that list. As great as Jace is, I don’t even remember that first kiss. Guess I need to re-read! Or maybe re-watch Shadowhunters.  I was just telling Julie the other day how I was missing Jace!

Personally, I’m going to say my fav is from Easy. Lucas beats Holder. Though mainly for the lip piercing!


What about you? What is your favorite first book kiss?



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Posted July 10, 2016 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 10 Comments


10 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: World Kiss Day

  1. This was such a fun post! My favorite book kiss has got to be those between Juliette and Warner/Adam (just in the first book though) in the SHATTER ME series! They were so wonderfully written! 🙂

    • Julie

      Someone wasn’t ready for a pop quiz today? Hehe no worries it isn’t easy, I couldn’t think of more than the ones we listed either.

  2. Got to love a good ol’ Goodreads list! Obsidian was one that I remember being really good, and when Percabeth finally kissed because we had been waiting SO LONG!!

  3. Oh there is just something about that first kiss . . . it can be so intense. I just finished Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe and I absolutely adored the kiss in that one. I could probably think of others, but since I just finished that one today, it’s fresh on my mind. It was an amazing book though. 🙂
    Cynthia @ Bingeing On Books recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday – Favorite Underrated Books

    • Julie

      First kisses that are intense and new and exciting are definitely fun – shows a good author when you remember it later.

    • Julie

      Ok I don’t remember the first kiss in that one. That book didn’t work for me though heh