Go out on a Blind Date with a book and Chapter Break!
Can’t decide what to read next? How about trying a blind date with a book. Below you’ll find some book covers that I drew myself! And by drew, I used the computer because my hand writing/drawing skills are sub par. Click on the picture to take you to the book. Then get to reading. Or add it to your ever-growing TBR list.
I’ve been on a Sci Fi kick lately, so I was inspired! And it’s clip art heavy, because I’m feeling lazy. And, these may seen kind of obvious, but that might just be me!

Which cover did you pick? Did you guess the book by my amazing art skills? Were the covers too obvious this time?
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I think I know a couple of these, Lynn.
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I was typing a work email the other day with don’t panic. I almost added (and bring your towel). I was pretty sure no one would get that joke so I deleted it. These seem pretty obvious. But still fun!