What Books Taught Us – Why to Picnic

Posted July 21, 2016 by Lynn in Featured Posts, What Books Taught Us / 4 Comments

what books taught us
Have you checked out our various Features pages lately? Julie and I are all about Features posts. (Who doesn’t need an occasional break from reviews?) In this new feature post, we will be discussing What Books Taught Us. And no, we don’t mean cooking, crafting, or organizing. We are talking about serious, useful skills. Like why to brave the outdoors and go on a picnic.  We want to make sure all of our readers are informed!

picnic gif

Why to Picnic, According to Books

Sure there are bugs to contend with, and sunstroke as well (especially here in Texas). But take some great advice from books we’ve read and plan your next picnic!

A Perfect Excuse to Get Together with Friends

Emma and her friends get together for a picnic on Box Hill. They even decide to play a game, where each person is asked to provide

one thing very clever . . . or two things moderately clever; or three things very dull indeed.

But beware of caustic words between friends. Emma treats Miss Bates poorly. And earns the ire of Mr. Knightley. Thus breaking up the whole party.




Have Your First Kiss

Birthday picnics are the best picnics. Even more so when they involve the first kiss between Jace and Clary. And a witchlight as a present. I finally remembered why City of Bones is at the top of that first kiss list!

You know, when most girls say they want a big rock, they don’t mean, you know, literally a big rock. (Clary)

Very amusing, my sarcastic friend. It’s not a rock, precisely. All Shadowhunters have a witchlight rune-stone. It will bring you light even among the darkest shadows of this world and others. (Jace)

This is why the ladies all love Jace. (Well, ok, this lady.) He knows how to throw a birthday party.



Meet the love of your life 

If you find yourself out of time, with a handsome, injured, Scot. Take him a picnic at the stables. But be sure to not startle him while he’s working! You’ll flirt. Then make a connection. And you might just find yourself in love and married. Or maybe he’ll at least call you Sassenach.



Or you could be like Jude, falls in love with a drawing, and then meets the boy years later. Oh, and she also hears dead people. But at least dead people who give advice.

“How can you judge a fella until you picnic with him?” She opens her arms as if to embrace the whole world. “Pack a basket, pick a spot, and go. Simple as that.”

This seems like very good advice to me!



Have you learned any important picnicking skills from books?




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Posted July 21, 2016 by Lynn in Featured Posts, What Books Taught Us / 4 Comments


4 responses to “What Books Taught Us – Why to Picnic

  1. We love picnicking on the beach here in Malaysia! Even though it is always ridiculously hot! 🙂 There was a great picnic scene in Chautona Havig’s recent Meddlin’ Madeline book. I’ll have to look it up now to remember the details.

    This was a fun feature. Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday on Mommynificent.com this week!
    Tina at Mommynificent recently posted…Booknificent Thursday Link Up Party #158

    • Lynn

      Thanks for visiting, Tina. And good for you for picnicking in the heat. Not my thing, for sure!

    • Lynn

      That is true, Terri! There are never bugs or rain in movies! And ALWAYS an Outlander gif!