#ShelfLove: Reading Rituals

Posted August 1, 2016 by Julie S. in Featured Posts, Shelf Love 2016 / 7 Comments

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#ShelfLove Challenge 2016

We’re co-hosting the #ShelfLove challenge again this year so join us and read more of the books you already bought!

August’s topic: What are your reading rituals? Do you have a reading nook? What snacks or drinks must you have handy? Share pictures and recipes!

Julie Review Avatar Julie’s Challenge Update:

My reading “nook” has a view of a big window and typically taillights. That’s right, my reading space is my car. I listen to so many audiobooks because traffic and long commute make it a requirement. Plus, that’s mostly how I have time to read anyway.

My other reading nook sort of is the couch, when the kiddo allows me to relax on it and curl up with my kindle.

I always have a water bottle nearby, which has nothing to do with reading or not. Though when I’m in the car, my drink of choice is coffee. Because mornings.



Lynnpic Lynn’s Challenge Update:

Like Julie, I also listen to a lot of audio books. But I listen to mine at my desk while working on menial tasks. My view of my computer monitors isn’t very inspirational. 

My at home reading space is usually on my couch. I have a giant couch and mostly sit in the same corner, where I curl up with my iPad or magazine. And plenty of light. As reading in the dark is really bad for your eyes! 


I also enjoy sitting on my patio, with a beverage. When it’s not surface of the sun hot outside. Which it is right now, so no picture of that! 

And yes to water as well. That’s my beverage of choice for everything. I also usually have on music or the TV for background noise. I can’t handle silence. 


Do you have a favorite place to read? Or any good reading habits to share? 


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Posted August 1, 2016 by Julie S. in Featured Posts, Shelf Love 2016 / 7 Comments


7 responses to “#ShelfLove: Reading Rituals

  1. I’m a read anywhere kind of girl – the bed, the bathroom, the couch, the dining room table, stoplights, the chair I nurse the baby in. If there’s a moment of quiet, I’m usually reading which is why I love using my Kindle app on my phone! Thank you for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday on Mommynificent.com this week.
    Tina at Mommynificent recently posted…Booknificent Thursday Link Up Party #160

  2. I don’t really have a set reading nook… I just read wherever I have five minutes and a comfortable way to sit! (Or sometimes not even sit — I’ve been known to read while waiting for the band at gigs.) I used to have some funny ones, though, like my grandparents’ spare shower room. It was just a tiny room with a sink and a shower cubicle, and no one really used it, so I’d squeeze in there and shut the door and be left alone!
    Nikki recently posted…ShelfLove August Update

  3. I don’t know why (Ok, I think I know why – my hearing) but I just can’t do audiobooks in the car. Part of it is because I NEED my music to survive the crazy drivers of Texas, but I also have “very dull” hearing for my age “only in ideal settings” AKA absolute silence (literally right on the pass line). So basically I do need a hearing aid!